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I wondered why my boyfriend never had any time for me, everyone knew his secret apart from me, I was traumatised


A WOMAN has spoken about the shocking discovery that she made after she broke up with her boyfriend!

Within days of ending her relationship, Laura Twyford, 19, learned that her boyfriend was actually in an open relationship, and had a girlfriend the entire time they were together.

Laura was ready to spill the tea on everything she had just found out
Caters News Agency
She come to find not only was he in a open relationship the whole time, but everyone else knew – except her
Caters News Agency

She had spent several months with him, and she claims that all of his friends and family were aware of his relationship status.

Laura, from Eastvale, California, said: “My boyfriend was in an open relationship the entire time and never told me.

“When I found out, I realised all of his friends, family, and girlfriend knew about it and hid it from me.”

In the clip Laura talks about what happened, she states that they were both ‘head over heels’, and described their relationship to be like ‘movie love’.

How to spot a cheat

It's hard to tell if your partner is cheating on you, so here are some of the signs to look out for:

  • Changes in communication
  • Avoidance of you one week then can’t get enough of you the next
  • Increased interest in their appearance and scent
  • Possessive about their phone
  • Password changes on devices
  • Less time spent at home
  • Compulsive lying
  • Your partner may even accuse you of cheating

To find out more: Visit our Cheat Sheet from the experts

Laura parted ways with him as she felt that he didn’t have time for her, and days later saw another woman flirting with him in the comments section of his social media post.

She checked out the woman’s social media page to see that she had been in a relationship with her now ex-boyfriend for three years.

After looking closer at her profile, she soon discovered that her ex’s best friend, who she met multiple times, was actually the woman’s brother.

Laura messaged the woman to tell her that her boyfriend had been unfaithful, and eventually received a message from her ex telling her that he was in an open relationship.

She was completely shocked, and so were viewers online who have listened to Laura’s story.

One commented: “The trauma! I also dated a guy whose whole family knew I was the other girl and said nothing. You really lose faith in humanity after that.”

Another wrote: “I would feel soo embarrassed.”

Laura didn’t hold back from messaging his partner to let her know he had been unfaithful but turns out it was an open relationship
Caters News Agency

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