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Joe Biden Has a New Home for the Jews: Under the Bus


The rusty dagger that President Joe Biden plunged into Israel’s back is just his latest and most ominous affront against the Jews and their state. Biden has inflicted an arms blockade against one of America’s closest allies, just as Israel aims to liquidate the Jew-killing terrorists of Hamas. This is a brand-new low in Biden’s foreign policy, which already has more steps down than the average fire escape.

“Hamas murdered thousands of innocent civilians, including babies, and are still holding Americans hostage, if the hostages are still alive,” President Donald J. Trump declared via Truth Social. “Yet Crooked Joe is taking the side of these terrorists, just like he has sided with the Radical Mobs taking over our college campuses, because his donors are funding them.”

Biden’s suspension of precision-guided weapons is treacherous and uniquely idiotic. The intrepid Israel Defense Forces use such weapons as scalpels, specifically to excise Hamas murderers and minimize collateral damage and non-combatant deaths. If Biden snatches the IDF’s scalpels, it must resort to less discreet weapons. Those sledgehammers will slam Hamas targets while also blasting innocent Gazans in every direction.

Biden’s policy characteristically will achieve the opposite of its purpose.

This confirms that Joe Biden’s skull is full of ice cream cones.

Biden’s Deafening Silence Finally Broken

Biden’s sucker punch against Israel and the Jews has followed weeks of disengagement in which he has displayed only a fleeting interest in Jewish Americans in their darkest hour since the 1940s.

Until May 2, Biden had been eerily silent, indeed nearly invisible, as the worst surge of domestic antisemitism in living memory erupted across America.

A pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia University quickly devolved into canceled classes, vandalism, a Zionist professor’s exclusion from the school’s grounds, and the verbal and physical harassment of Jewish students. (RELATED: Zero Championships for Hamas)

Such domestic terrorism soon spread to George Washington University, New York University, Northwestern, the University of Southern California, and elite colleges from the sea to the sea. According to law-enforcement reports via Fox News, between April 18 and May 4, police arrested 2,399 people engaged in antisemitic unrest on 52 campuses in 27 states.

On April 30, NYPD officers smoothly and professionally arrested 282 pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers who had smashed windows and kicked in doors, a la January 6, to seize Columbia’s Hamilton Hall.

Later that night, pro-Hamas and pro-Israel protesters battled at UCLA. They clobbered each other with fists and wooden sticks, exchanged exploding fireworks, and rammed steel barricades into their opposing positions. The melee, broadcast live worldwide, roared on for three hours before LAPD officers finally separated the combatants.

Antisemitic demonstrators at multiple colleges have blocked Jewish students from traversing their quads. Evildoers have screamed at Jews: “We are Hamas, pig!” and “Go back to Poland!” Jew-hating terrorist sympathizers have displayed the stiff-armed Nazi salute.

Zionists don’t deserve to live,” Columbia student Khymani James (“pronouns: ‘he/she/they’”) declared via social media. “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.” He added: “I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.”

Meanwhile, one man’s placard at GW, a half-mile west of the White House, squeezed these sentiments down to two words: “FINAL SOLUTION.”

Throughout these outrages, Biden said almost nothing.

Americans waited in vain for Biden to deliver an Oval Office address or other major remarks denouncing this mayhem, demanding an end to this hate speech, and declaring his and America’s empathy for and solidarity with our Jewish countrymen.

But for a fortnight, all Biden uttered was a wishy-washy reply to a question that a journalist yelled on Earth Day, as Biden departed a green-energy event.

“I condemn the antisemitic protests,” Biden said. “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”

The suburban Virginia setting for those words was priceless, as critics observed that Biden echoed Trump’s relentlessly misreported statement about “very fine people, on both sides” of August 2017’s race riot in Charlottesville. (Trump added: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally.” The regime media dutifully censor those exculpatory words whenever they air that “both sides” video.)

Now, imagine any other “marginalized” group suffering as much as Jews have in recent weeks. If mobs from coast to coast screamed at blacks, “Go back to Africa” and waved signs that read, “Lynching,” cops would be on the scene within minutes, Biden would be on the air within hours, and FBI agents would on the ground before twilight to launch a federal civil-rights investigation.

But today’s victims are just Jews. So, whatever!

On May 2, after a second night of violence at UCLA and the LAPD’s dismantlement of a mini-Gaza Strip in front of Royce Hall, Biden finally dragged himself in front of a White House podium and tepidly addressed this domestic crisis.

“There’s the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos,” Biden said at a hastily staged Roosevelt Room appearance. “There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it’s antisemitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans.”

Biden answered “No” to two journalists’ questions and shuffled away.

This event unfolded too quickly to boil an egg. After just three minutes and 30 seconds, “Genocide Joe” was gone.

While Biden condemned antisemitism, he said little to comfort American Jews who righteously are rattled by an atmosphere that’s beginning to look a lot like 1938. Jews deserved a grandfatherly hug. Instead, Biden offered a soft, moist handshake.

As Jews express fear and Muslims display defiance, this is hardly the time or place for Biden to invoke Islamophobia.

Biden neither excoriated Hamas nor demanded that it free the 128 individuals, including six Americans, whom it still holds hostage. He failed to acknowledge or announce a probe of this republic’s new, robust pro-terrorist Fifth Column.

Biden stayed mum about America’s previously warm relationship with Israel, whose flag antisemitic radicals burn on U.S. soil. The President of the United States expressed no revulsion at Hamas sympathizers who yell, “Death to Israel!” and “Death to America!”

Hoping that the third time would be the charm, Biden on Tuesday addressed a Holocaust remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Capitol. At long last, he spoke with passion and eloquence on this topic:

This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust…. This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world, and it requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness.

That hatred was brought to life on October 7th in 2023. On a sacred Jewish holiday, the terrorist group Hamas unleashed the deadliest day of the Jewish people since the Holocaust….

We’ve seen a ferocious surge of antisemitism in America and around the world: vicious propaganda on social media, Jews forced to keep their — hide their kippahs under baseball hats, tuck their Jewish stars into their shirts….

To the Jewish community, I want you to know I see your fear, your hurt, and your pain,” Biden declared. “Let me reassure you, as your President, you are not alone. You belong. You always have, and you always will….

And my commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree.

Too bad Biden’s “ironclad” commitment crumpled like Reynolds Wrap, just as Israel prepared to enter Rafah, deliver the coup de grace, and exterminate every Hamas rat.

Doing Biden’s Math

Even worse, Biden decided to betray Israel before this speech and conceal his vile new policy until after this appearance. So, as he mouthed these words, at a Holocaust memorial ceremony no less, Biden lied to his audience. Rather than show Jews respect, he used them as human shields to hide his betrayal of Israel and world Jewry.


So, why has Biden given Jews the finger?

Joe Biden is not the brightest candle in the menorah, but he has contested 11 general elections since 1970 and won them all. The man can count votes. He and his party are betting the Oval Office on Muslim voters.

The sound you hear is Biden and the Democrats throwing the Jews under the bus.

This is a hideous, stomach-turning reality. But cold political calculus explains their grim logic.

The U.S. Census has not asked Americans about religion since 1946. Thus, there is no relevant “official” data. Statistics like those from World Population Review fill this void.

According to WPR, there were 7,378,647 Jews in the USA in 2022, composing 2.17 percent of the U.S. population. Meanwhile, 4,443,978 Muslims represented 1.32 percent of Americans.

“At the same time, our projections suggest that the U.S. Muslim population will grow much faster than the country’s Jewish population,” Pew Research’s Besheer Mohamed wrote. “By 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the nation’s second-largest religious group after Christians.”

Since 2011, Mohamed observed, “the Muslim population has continued to grow at a rate of roughly 100,000 per year, driven both by higher fertility rates among Muslim Americans as well as the continued migration of Muslims to the U.S.”

Democrats take the long view and are happy to wait decades for their bets to pay off.

Consider these nine swing states (and their 116 electoral votes): Arizona (11), Georgia (16), Michigan (15), Minnesota (10), Nevada (six), North Carolina (16), Pennsylvania (19), Virginia (13), and Wisconsin (10). Among them, Jews equal 1,165,525 (an average of 1.5 percent of those states’ residents) versus 1,115,527 Muslims (1.4 percent).

Michigan is the most Islamic of these 50 United States. In fact, 241,828 Muslims (2.4 percent of the population) outnumber 87,905 Jews (0.90 percent) by 2.75-to-one.

Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania have more Jews than Muslims. These “Kosher states” total 52 electoral votes.

Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin are home to more Muslims than Jews. These “Halal” states” total 64 electoral votes.

Beyond Muslims’ larger families and bigger swing-state footprints, they also are far more stalwart Democrats than are Jews. This is quite an accomplishment, as Jews’ legendary loyalty to Democrats astonishes Jews themselves.

The American Jewish Committee’s Milton Himmelfarb famously observed that “Jews earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans.” An influential Jewish gentleman told me last week: “There’s something in the Jewish DNA that stays Left. It runs somewhere between stupid and suicidal.”

Consider the Jewish and Muslim votes for the last four Democrat presidential nominees:

2008 (Obama) — Jewish: 78 percent; Muslim: 89 percent
2012 (Obama) — Jewish: 69 percent; Muslim: 85 percent
2016 (Clinton) — Jewish: 71 percent; Muslim: 74 percent
2020 (Biden)   — Jewish: 68 percent; Muslim: 78 percent

Biden reckons that if he plays his grimy hand exactly right, he can win enough Muslims in Dearborn to hold Michigan and its 15 electoral votes (whether U.S. Muslims are as radical as Dearborn’s is a wild card).

This Dearborn Strategy might cost Biden some Jewish votes, although Democrats can count on hundreds of thousands of Jews to pull the donkey lever, even if Biden pushed them behind barbed wire. Whatever Jews do with votes that tally, in percentages, from the high 60s to the high 70s pro-Democrat, Muslims vote mid-70s to high-80s Democrat. And if this pattern holds in these swing states, the Dearborn Strategy would buy Team Biden at least 12 extra electoral votes.

Biden & Co. have done the math. So, under the bus go the Jews.

Some prominent Jews understand this and are blowing their shofars.

“Do not take American Jews for granted,” American reform Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch of Manhattan’s Stephen Wise Free Synagogue preached on April 14. The liberal cleric warned Biden and his comrades. “I have spoken with so many American Jews in the past few months, who have surprised me with their anxiety about developments in the Democratic Party and their perception that it is becoming increasingly hostile to Israel and increasingly tolerant of anti-Zionism and antisemitism in its own ranks. Be careful. The results of the upcoming election do not only depend on Michigan.”

Jewish Americans should get out from under the bus, abandon the Democrat Party that has abandoned them, and start voting in overwhelming numbers for those who consistently love and defend them: The Republican Party and its scrupulously pro-Jewish, pro-Israel leader, President Donald J. Trump.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor.

The post Joe Biden Has a New Home for the Jews: Under the Bus appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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