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A fire broke out at Tesla's Fremont factory once again, this time due to an oven

A fire broke out at Tesla's Fremont Factory Monday night.
  • Tesla's Fremont, California, plant suffered a 2-alarm commercial fire Monday evening.
  • The Fremont Fire Department reported no injuries and is investigating the cause.
  • The Tesla Fremont factory has seen several fires over the years. 

On Monday evening, a 2-alarm commercial fire occurred at Tesla's Fremont factory, which has experienced several fires over the past decade.

Per a press release from the Fremont Fire Department, the fire "started inside an oven" and was extinguished "within less than an hour of crews arriving at the scene."

The fire department said no injuries were reported by public safety personnel or Tesla employees.

When reached by Business Insider, the Fremont Fire Department said it could not share any additional information about how the fire started or what kind of oven it originated from. The fire department is investigating the cause.

Multiple fires have started at the Fremont factory over the years. In 2021, a fire caused by "molten aluminum and hydraulic fluid" occurred in a vehicle manufacturing stamping machine. The FFD, along with Tesla's fire response team, helped bring the fire under control, Business Insider previously reported.

In 2019, the FFD quickly put out a fire in an area containing hazardous waste. No injuries were reported.

CNBC reported in 2018 that the Tesla factory's paint shop had experienced four fires in four years.

The Fremont factory has been mired in other burning controversies.

Black workers at the factory said they experienced rampant racial abuse and discrimination at the plant — and that CEO Elon Musk failed to step in. Reuters reported that the company now faces a class action lawsuit from 6,000 Black employees, some of whom worked at the Fremont facility.

And in May, California regulators accused the factory of releasing tons of illegal air pollutants, CBS reported. The factory previously forked over $750,000 to settle dozens of air quality violations at its factory.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is seeking an abatement order to force Tesla to mitigate air pollution. Tesla is also facing a lawsuit from the Environmental Democracy Project for its air quality violations, CNBC reported.

Representatives for Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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