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I’m a stay at home mum & earn £5k in three hours from my side hustle – I just wish I’d known about it sooner


A STAY-at-home mum has revealed that she made £5,000 in just three hours from a simple side hustle.

Kass Frogley shared details of her side hustle to her TikTok channel, with she often uses to share money making tips and tricks.

Kass said she made £5k in three hours from her side hustle[/caption]
She reviews products online[/caption]

The mum revealed that she was sceptical to try out the side hustle at first.

However, she said that she now makes £5,000 in just three hours from using her phone whilst sat on the sofa in her pyjamas.

Kass said she makes her cash from reviewing products.

She reviews products on TikTok and her videos are commission paid, meaning that she is paid by brands to make the videos.

In a second video Kass said that brands will pay you to make 7 second videos, even if you have zero followers.

“And you make more than 90% of college grads”, she said.

In a third video, the TikToker revealed that some of the brands she works with to make her cash are Nike, Sephora and Lululemon.

She said: “I only wish I knew about it sooner”.

Kass also makes money from digital marketing, which involves promoting other people’s products online, often via social media.

If someone buys a product after clicking on a link that you have directed them to, then you will earn commission.

Kass shares her side hustling wisdom with others through her TikTok and Instagram channels, to help other stay at home mums that are looking to make extra cash.

Her video, which was posted under the username @kassfrogley, has likely left many impressed, as it has racked up over 3.6 million views.

TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.

One person said: “I’m 100% interested!”.

Do I need to pay tax on my side hustle income?

MANY people feeling strapped for cash are boosting their bank balance with a side hustle.

The good news is, there are plenty of simple ways to earn some additional income – but you need to know the rules.

When you’re employed the company you work for takes the tax from your earnings and pays HMRC so you don’t have to.

But anyone earning extra cash, for example from selling things online or dog walking, may have to do it themselves.

Stephen Moor, head of employment at law firm Ashfords, said: “Caution should be taken if you’re earning an additional income, as this is likely to be taxable.

“The side hustle could be treated as taxable trading income, which can include providing services or selling products.”

You can make a gross income of up to £1,000 a year tax-free via the trading allowance, but over this and you’ll usually need to pay tax.

Stephen added: “You need to register for a self-assessment at HMRC to ensure you are paying the correct amount of tax.

“The applicable tax bands and the amount of tax you need to pay will depend on your income.”

If you fail to file a tax return you could end up with a surprise bill from HMRC later on asking you to pay the tax you owe – plus extra fees on top.

A second person said: “I want to do this.

“I’m a single mum going through so much”.

A third person said: “I need this in my life”.

A fourth said: “Sign me up!”

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