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Kate Middleton's New Portrait Has Fans Up in Arms Over How She Was Depicted


Kate Middleton has been out of the public eye since late December, and, understandably, royal fans miss her. So, Tatler magazine thought they would do something special to honor her and reign as the Princess of Wales. They commissioned British-Zambian artist Hannah Uzor to create a portrait of Kate for their July 2024 issue, inspired by her appearance at King Charles III’s first state banquet as the monarch. 

Tatler wanted the portrait “to capture a moment when the future Queen dazzled onlookers [while offering] a nod to the Commonwealth.” The Princess of Wales looked stunning that night in a gorgeous Jenny Packham cape gown embellished with rhinestones at the shoulders. Her hair was swept into a low bun to showcase the Queen Mary’s Lover’s Knot Tiara, which was often worn by Princess Diana. There was even a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, who had passed away only months earlier, with a brooch that included a photo of the late monarch. The entire outfit was a fashion moment for Kate, so it’s understandable that the U.K. media outlet would want to select that look for their commission. However, the reaction to the portrait might have come as a surprise to them.

The generally awful comments on Tatler‘s Instagram page are pretty hard to read because they are so insulting toward Uzor. “I see we aren’t choosing artists based on talent anymore. The Princess of Wales deserves better than this,” wrote one follower. Another account added, “Well Hannah needs to learn to do faces, that looks nothing like Catherine.” A fellow artist offered their critique, “As an artist myself, I know how brutal criticism can be, but even I have to say, this is unfortunate. She NEVER looks that uptight or tense in her arms or shoulders, and her face is all wrong. I do love how delicate and realistic the dress looks below the bodice, great job with the dress.” So, maybe that’s a half-win?

This is the second portrait in two weeks to draw criticism after King Charles III’s first portrait as the monarch was unveiled. The blood-red painting of the king by artist Jonathan Yeo was dramatic and rather shocking. Charles sat four times for the portrait and Yeo admitted to the BBC that “he was initially mildly surprised by the strong color but otherwise he seemed to be smiling approvingly. Royal watchers were equally critical of Charles’ depiction with one X user sharing, “I just see lots of blood???? I hope that’s not an omen.”

Nobody seems to love how the royal family’s paintings are turning out these days and the social media commentary is strong. Uzor hopes that people see the emotions she was trying to bring out in Kate, telling Tatler, “She was born for this. She carries herself with such dignity, elegance, and grace.” It doesn’t sound like the internet agrees with her portrayal. 

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