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Chinese Communist-Connected Orgs Are Crushing RNC Investments In Swing States (Video)


Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America The Fractal team released its long-awaited video on the Chinese-tinged organizations in the U.S.

The post Chinese Communist-Connected Orgs Are Crushing RNC Investments In Swing States (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America

Members of the Chiese Progressive Association hold a rally in San Francisco attacking President Trump.

The Fractal team released its long-awaited video on the Chinese-tinged organizations in the U.S. funding hundreds, to thousands of feeder orgs – to win 2024 for anyone but Trump.

As the video below shows, these Communist Chinese-connected orgs were active in the swing states in 2020 – admitting to sending thousands of people into Pennsylvania and Arizona to stop Trump.

These actions were invisible to the entire U.S. national voter integrity organizational infrastructure.

The Fractal team, using advanced quantum technology – not available via any of the national voter integrity organizations – is building the real-time database of every Chinese Communist-connected organization, in every swing state, and reporting their total investment.

Results will be published on Omega4America.com.

While the project is just beginning, the Fractal team can say conclusively Chinese Communist-connected entities are spending over 10 times more than the Trump Campaign and the RNC – COMBINED – in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin!

In calls this week with the on-the-ground voter integrity troops in those states, they reported they have close to zero communication with either the Trump Campaign or the RNC 150 days before the election.

Total silence on stopping the 2024 steal with mail-in ballots from ineligible addresses!

In these critical swing states, while the Chinese Communist-connected entities are running full tilt, the Republican infrastructure is issuing press releases about ballot harvesting.

The Chinese-related orgs’ spending is overwhelmingly on voter registration, get-out-the-vote efforts, technology and working in urban areas to harvest ballots from what are likely ineligible address farms.

Those ineligible address farms are completely invisible to the RNC, the Trump Campaign, and national voter integrity orgs.

These Chinese Communist-related organizations, some shown in this video, have deep roots in urban communities.  Some of them have been in operation for over a decade.

In some states, like Wisconsin, some of the largest voter-related NGOs are tied to the Chinese Communist-related organizations.

Some of these organizations are tied to Leftist illegal immigration movements – thus the Fractal analysis will continue its scrutiny about them loading up ineligible address ballot farms to which they will harvest mail-in ballots.

Working with teams in Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and several other states, teams are working to fund the identification of these ballot-collection farms – enabling citizens to stop mail-in ballots from being mailed to them.

This is a citizen-driven effort, as not one elected official has stood up to stop mail-in ballots from being mailed to Walmarts, 7-11s, Manchurian restaurants, empty warehouses – where a voter cannot live, yet the voter roll shows it as an address for a mail-in ballot.

It is these ineligible addresses where illegal aliens are being registered – invisible to Secretaries of State who are wedded to relational technology.

The Fractal team and partners in the swing states are identifying ballot farms – by comparing property tax records with voter rolls – and trying to stop ballots from being mailed to empty buildings – thus challenging illegal alien votes before they are cast.

The Fractal team, while not political activists, is demonstrating that quantum technology can identify anomalies – like Chinese dough – hidden in plain sight for 20 years – giving citizens, not overpaid national orgs, tools to fight election fraud, in its many dimensions – locally.

As we show on the videos on Omega4America.com, 75% of all the mail-in ballot fraud can be stopped in its tracks by “outing” ineligible addresses like Walmarts, 7-11s, gas stations and strip malls.

Citizens are learning it is almost impossible to challenge a voter – but challenging a ballot being sent to a 7-11 is far more effective!

We encourage you to watch the video below to see how vast the Chinese-related election orgs are – see their reach, note their presence in virtually every state in America.

We will be releasing videos on a state-by-state basis – showing how NGOs, many tied to Chinese related orgs, are overwhelming the tepid Republican efforts to “out-ballot-harvest the Left.”

Only one Attorney General in America, Ken Paxton in Texas, is challenging these NGOs flooding the country with illegal aliens, registering them in swing states, and undermining the elections. 

49 states remain silent.

In this video – we did NOT show the entire scope of these Chinese-affiliated orgs – we only showed ONE organization, for ONE year – with its connections to the on-the-ground orgs in virtually state.

Fractal is using advanced artificial intelligence, running at 200 million transactions per second – to show the entire world of NGOs impacting American elections.

The Fractal team’s advanced technology is monitoring money shifts where the Chinese Communist-related entities are investing – to determine which states are getting special attention.

While the Fractal system can track all NGOs, across every state, dating back over 10 years – our focus is on NGOs whose “investments” are likely to be interesting to voters – and will impact 2024.

We will be updating these findings weekly via the Omega4America Substack.

Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud detection engine and the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List.  He can be contacted at Omega4America.com

The post Chinese Communist-Connected Orgs Are Crushing RNC Investments In Swing States (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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