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I spent £60k on my husband when he was in prison – people say he’s using me but I know it’s real love


A WOMAN has revealed that she spent £60,000 on her husband whilst he was in jail, and doesn’t care about haters who claim he is just using her.

Arrogance 33, met Zyion at a barbecue when he was fresh out of prison and was immediately smitten.

YouTube/Love don't Judge
Zyion has spent four years in prison during their relationship[/caption]
YouTube/Love don't Judge
Arrogance has spent over £60k on her man[/caption]

Zyion has spent a total of 10 years in prison, and was sent back to jail after the couple got married.

He was behind bars for four years, part of which was during Covid, meaning that the couple didn’t get to have an in-person visit for two years.

Arrogance has spent over £60,000 on her husband, buying him designer clothes and expensive perfume.

She even got a set of bedding printed with his face on it, so that she could hug the pillows when she missed him.

Arrogance documented her journey as a prison wife on social media, and has been accused of glorifying prison.

Whilst Zyion was in prison, the couple were able to spend the night together in a trailer on the prison campus, and this lead to Arrogance becoming pregnant.

Arrogance’s sister is concerned about the couple’s relationship, and told the Love Don’t Judge YouTube channel that she feels that her sister didn’t “live her life” during the time her husband was incarcerated.

“You could have been travelling the world with me”, she said.

However, Arrogance said that she is happier in her relationship with Zyion than she has ever been with anyone.

“We’re stronger than relationships that are on the outside”, she said.

Zyion said that Arrogance has definitely “elevated” his life, and said that he doesn’t plan to go back to prison.

Sharing a message to people in a similar situation, Arrogance said: “Don’t listen to the haters, if you’re happy, you’re happy.

“If you’re with that person, you’re with that person”.

YouTube users flooded the comments section of the video, to share their thoughts on the couples’ relationship.

15 Relationship red flags to look out for

Red flags are warning signs that indicate unhealthy or manipulative behaviour. When you encounter relationship red flags, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the dynamic you really share with that person.

  1. Overly controlling behaviour
  2. Lack of trust
  3. Feeling low self-esteem
  4. Physical, emotional, or mental abuse
  5. Substance abuse
  6. Narcissism
  7. Anger management issues
  8. Codependency
  9. Inability to resolve conflict
  10. Constant jealousy 
  11. Gaslighting
  12. Lack of emotional intelligence
  13. Negatively affecting your relationship with family and friends
  14. Inability to communicate openly
  15. Lack of social connection or friends

For more advice and support, Relate is available: “Whether it’s your relationship with a partner, a child, a family member or anyone else – 
we help everyone to build better relationships.”

One person said: “She could have invested that money in her children’s future!”

Another person said: “She’s not glorifying prison, she’s glorifying stupidity”.

A third person said: “It’s baffling to me how a woman will spend money on a man in prison but wouldn’t do the same for an everyday hard working man who is free on the outside.”

A fourth said: “Baby know your worth!

“He did the crime – you should have moved on and not paid a dime!”\

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