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Chakwera calls for unity in building Malawi


By Wanangwa Tembo Kasungu, May 26: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera says the country must ignore voices of hate but unite to build the country as envisioned by those that fought for its freedom. The President was speaking on Sunday at the centenary celebrations of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) at Mdabwi in Traditional Authority […]

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By Wanangwa Tembo

Kasungu, May 26: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera says the country must ignore voices of hate but unite to build the country as envisioned by those that fought for its freedom.

The President was speaking on Sunday at the centenary celebrations of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) at Mdabwi in Traditional Authority Mwase in Kasungu.

AMEC was founded by Hannock Msokera in 1924 and prides itself to have facilitated that the country’s founding President Dr Hasting Kamuzu Banda should go to the United States of America to pursue higher education.

Chakwera said, just as there were Malawians who sided with the colonial government to abuse Malawians, there are also people today who are occupied with evil acts of vandalism and theft instead of assisting in building the country.

“The 100 years of existence being celebrated today must be a reminder to us all that God keeps and protects those that take part in building the nation.

“For those that take part destroying our country, there is no history for them just as we do not have history for those that sided with the colonial government to abuse our people. We only remember those that fought for freedom like Hannock Msokera whom we are celebrating today,” Chakwera said.

Chakwera said what the church did in helping Kamuzu Banda to go to America makes it part of the country’s history and must be remembered for helping to lay the foundation of Malawi.

“Sometimes we have a problem of forgetting where we are coming from. AMEC must be remembered because without it, Dr Banda couldn’t have found an opportunity to learn in the United States.

“This is why Dr Banda came to this place we are today in 1974 in honour of the Late Hannock Msokera. So, we must remember these people for the work they have done for this country,” he said.

In his sermon, presiding Bishop of 19th District of the Republic of South Africa, Reverend Paul Kawimbe, thanked Chakwera for attending the celebrations, describing his presence as a sign of a solid relationship that exists between government and the faith community.

“We have gone past 100 years of legacies, memories and challenges, but we gather here today in honour of Hannock Msokera and those that cleared the way for us.

“In the Bible, 100 is a number that signifies fullness, abundance and long life span. It is used to convey important messages and signifies God’s blessings,” said Kawimbe.

Kawimbe said God’s mercies have been the church’s constant companion in the century long trip full of both triumphs and challenges.

AMEC has 147 churches with an estimated membership of a million followers.

Apart from the spiritual ministry, the church also runs primary and secondary schools, pays school fees for needy students, supports the health sector with expatriate medical services and assists government in responding to natural disasters through donation of relief items and building houses for victims.

The post Chakwera calls for unity in building Malawi appeared first on Malawi Voice.

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