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Pro-Trump pundits share ‘cheap’ edited clip of Biden ‘freezing again’


Pro-MAGA pundits have been sharing deceptively edited versions of the video.

Joe Biden and Barack Obama at a fundraiser in LA for the Democratic nomine
Joe Biden and Barack Obama at a fundraiser in LA for the Democratic nominee (Picture: AFP/AP)

This is the disturbing moment US president Joe Biden appeared to ‘freeze’ at a Hollywood fundraiser and had to be dragged off stage by his former boss Barack Obama – or so it seemed so.

Footage of the incident has been shared far and wide on social media, and being used by pro-Donald Trump pundits as proof as to why the Democrat is not fit for the White House.

But attendees of the gala at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles on Saturday night have since warned that the video is deceptively edited.

Biden and his predecessor had just sat through an interview with TV host Jimmy Kimmel for more than a half hour at the 7,100-seat building.

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After the end of the interview, the crowd is applauding for nearly a minute. Biden is seen waving at people and chatting with some at the front rows.

Obama can then be seen reaching out and gently touching the president on the arm before the pair walk off stage together.

Reacting to reports in the last 24 hours that Biden ‘froze again’, those attending the event have shared extended versions of the clip.

Journalist Olga Nesterova said: ‘I recorded the ending of the fundraiser… watch it and always factcheck before sharing nonsense.’

US President Joe Biden (L) stands with former US President Barack Obama
TV host Jimmy Kimmel interviewed the two Democrats (Picture: Getty)
News | 13535901 Biden FREEZES on stage at star-studded fundraiser before Obama comes to his rescue and pulls him away
Supposed ‘proof’ that Biden was led off stage

Entrepreneur Ajay Jain Bhutoria wrote on X: ‘I was there. I saw three young adults yelling at Biden in the front row.

‘He tried to listen and did not freeze up. He seemed ready to respond. Incorrect news is spreading. Sharing my perspective.’

Both the White House and Eric Schultz, Obama’s senior adviser, have disputed the accounts that argue that the president ‘froze’ and was ‘led off stage’.

In a post on X, Mr Schultz, stressed that ‘this did not happen’.

Biden will turn 82 in November, while his opponent celebrated his 78th birthday a few days ago.

Despite the few years of difference. the Republicans have kept hammering away at the president’s age, portraying it as a major vulnerability.

George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand were among those who took the stage at Peacock Theater in support of the Democrat.

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