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Hollywood film forced to call in extra security as they film in controversial Leeds red light district


A HOLLYWOOD legend filmed his new movie in the UK’s ‘red light district’ – as extra security was hired to protect him.

The Sun’s photos show the legendary actor unrecognisable as he marches along a road in Leeds‘ Holbeck neighbourhood.

A Hollywood star is seen in character playing Brendan Ingle, the Irish-born trainer who guided ‘Prince’ Naseem Hamed to stardom[/caption]
James Bond legend Pierce Brosnan filmed scenes for movie Giant in Leeds[/caption]
Filming has moved to Holbeck which was once the location of the UK’s only red light district[/caption]

It was once upon a time the only “managed” area for sex workers until the scheme was shut down.

James Bond star Pierce Brosnan has been snapped on the set biopic Giant, a movie about Prince’ Naseem Hamed.

Filming trucks for the huge production descended on Holbeck – where sex workers once offered hook-ups for “£5 and two cigarettes”.

Images show security and a police car on set.

An insider said: “Production called in more than 15 security staff to film in the Holbeck area and local police officers were spotted visiting the set to keep an eye on things throughout the day.

“Pierce Brosnan was seen being escorted to his car flanked on either side by security.

“In other locations used for filming, the James Bond star has roamed the streets on his own with no close protection, so it was quite surprising.”

The new boxing movie tells the story of one of boxing’s most significant friendships, with Brosnan portraying Brendan Ingle, the Irish-born trainer who guided ‘Prince’ Naseem Hamed to stardom.

With his fading hair, navy blue tracksuit, and aging face, this Hollywood actor could easily blend in as an ordinary man walking through the streets of Yorkshire in photos from the set.

Naseem Hamed, a British-Yemeni boxer, rose through the ranks to become one of Britain’s most celebrated sports stars.

The film tracks his journey from humble beginnings in working-class Sheffield, highlighting the unorthodox training he received from Ingle and their fiery friendship that led to international fame.

Set in the 1980s and 1990s, the story also portrays Naseem’s struggle against rampant Islamophobia and racism as he sought to dominate the boxing world.

Known for his role as James Bond, the 70-year-old Brosnan has swapped his bespoke Armani suits for a blue Adidas tracksuit for this role.

Dressed in a flat cap and navy coat, he was seen strolling down the street between takes.

Amir Al-Masry, recently seen as young Mohammed Al-Fayed in Netflix series The Crown will portray Naseem, with Gangs of London writer Rowan Athale directing the sports drama.

The UK's 'red light district'

The Holbeck Managed Approach scheme was set up in 2014 initially as a 12 month pilot that allowed sex workers to trade within agreed hours.

It was dubbed Britain’s first legal red light zone and sparked protests from the community.

The ‘managed approach’ set out a number of rules that were overseen by a special team of police officers and PCSOs.

Workers were allowed to trade under the scheme and offences, such as indecency, were enforced under a ‘three strike rule’ with a warning for a first breach, a caution for a second and be arrested for a third infringemen.

But the scheme left local residents terrified, with most having to constantly witness sex acts and finding used needles in the streets.

In 2017 sex worker Daria Pionko was brutally murdered while working in the so-called ‘managed red light area’.

Her murderer Lewis Pierre was jailed for life for killing Pionko.

And despite the scheme closing down in 2021 sex workers still ply their trade in the town and nearby areas.

As James Bond, Brosnan became used to the finer things in life[/caption]
Prince Naseem credits his entire boxing career to the mentoring of Ingle[/caption]
Brendan Ingle died in 2018, after training four World champions

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