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Insiders Explain Why We May Never See Exes Miranda Lambert & Blake Shelton at the Same Event


Remember when Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton were the King and Queen of Country Music? Well, while those times are long gone, and both have found love again with new partners, it seems the two still aren’t on speaking terms.

Many fans have hoped for a reunion of some kind, even onstage like how Avril Lavigne did with her ex-husband Deryck Whibley earlier this month. But that’s not going to happen, especially since sources claim that they try to avoid each other by any means necessary.

“Miranda doesn’t want to attend any event where Blake is the star attraction, and vice versa,” an insider said to Life and Style Magazine. “Their egos can’t handle it, and the brutal reality is that they can’t stand the sight of each other. They’re totally competitive and there’s no love lost, and they don’t want any awkward confrontations. Some might say they don’t want the other to steal their spotlight.”

So insiders claim that the two will even go as far as to try to not go to the same award shows as one another if there’s a big chance of bumping into one another. And insiders even added that there’s allegedly animosity between Lambert and Shelton’s wife Gwen Stefani.

“It’s no secret Miranda can’t stand Gwen; Gwen doesn’t have any time for Miranda either,” they said. “They get their people to check if they’re going to an event beforehand. Their friends roll their eyes and think Miranda and Blake should get over it and act like grown-ups, but they’re stubbornly holding onto grudges. They might forgive, but they’ll never forget.”

Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton. Photo By: Charlie Williams/Everett Collection.

For those who don’t know, back in 2006, Lambert and Shelton started dating, a year after they first met and performed together (however, they were both with other people at the time of meeting) .

They later got engaged in May 2010, and married exactly a year later. However, after four years of marriage, the pair called it quits in 2015.

Since then, Shelton has gotten married to Stefani, and Lambert married Brendan McLoughlin in 2019.

Before you go, click here to see our favorite country music couples. 

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