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America’s Most Wanted host John Walsh blasts Biden over child trafficking as president struggles on immigration issue


AMERICA’S Most Wanted host John Walsh has slammed Joe Biden for “dropping the ball” on child trafficking by leaving the southern border open.

The famed TV presenter, 78, blamed the President for allowing hundreds of thousands of people to enter the country illegally since coming to power in 2021.

John Walsh arrives at the 2024 Critics Choice Real TV Awards in June. He slammed Biden in an interview during the event[/caption]
Biden is set to be hammered on immigration in the debate (pictured in June 2024)[/caption]
Mexican migrant Veronica Marquez, 36, carries her son Mariano, 5, while waiting to be apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border protection officers

He said it has led to child-smuggling drug cartels raking in $10 million a week.

Walsh warned that the White House “better do something fast” as Americans are sick of it.

It comes as immigration is set to be one of the key issues at the first presidential debate tonight between Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump.

Speaking exclusively to The U.S. Sun at the Critics Choice Real TV Awards in Los Angeles, Walsh said: “That border should have been shut down three and a half years ago.

“Ten million illegal people have come across that border and Homeland Security even admitted they pushed across 76,000 unaccompanied minors.

“It’s a nightmare. The White House better do something. They better do something fast.”

It is not clear if and when the Department of Homeland Security, led by Alejandro Mayorkas, admitted it had allowed 76,000 unaccompanied minors into the country, as claimed by Walsh.

But a New York Times investigation last year found that 250,000 unaccompanied children had entered the United States in the previous two years.

Data obtained by the Times showed that the Department of Health and Human Services had lost contact with 85,000 migrant children living with sponsors in the US.

In November last year, it was reported that there were 62,000 cases involving unaccompanied minors pending before U.S. immigration courts.

Trump, 78, has repeatedly bashed his Democratic opponent for what he describes as “Biden migrant crime.”

The presumptive Republican nominee already made migration a central plank of his campaign when he defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Meanwhile, the incumbent President, 81, issued new asylum restrictions earlier this month which would close much of the border.

Biden also announced a program to make it easier for illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens to apply for residency.

Asked if he had addressed the immigration with the Biden administration, Walsh said, “Many times. No response. That’s the problem.

“This is not a political issue.

“This is about children being smuggled into the United States to be trafficked by horrible gangs brought here by cartels that are making $10 million a week. The Sinaloa Cartel is ruthless.

“They bring them across the border and MS13 and those Venezuelan gangs, they grab these kids and they’re gone. Parents will never see them again. It has to change.

“I think the American public is sick of it and we’re saddling back up.”

Expert Analysis - Impact of the debate

Measuring the Impact of the debate with an expert:

Southern Illinois University Associate Professor of Political Science Ken Mulligan told The U.S. Sun the “election is effectively tied; it’s closer than any presidential election in decades.”

However, he believes that Trump now has the “momentum and advantage.”

He believes that although presidential debates usually don’t have a huge impact on election results, this one could affect voter turnout, as Biden and Trump both are historically unpopular.

And while Trump is still “the most unpredictable candidate ever,'” Mulligan thinks that Thursday night’s debate could feature fewer personal attacks than past bouts.

“Trump is now a convicted felon,” he added.

“But I don’t see that as necessarily being a huge problem for him, because most Republicans think these charges were politically motivated.”

Walsh also said he believes that Trump would do a better job on the border if he wins in November.

”Just look at what he did for four years and look at what Biden has done for three and a half years,” he said.

“We’re not political. I’m a registered independent.

“I’ve been through five presidents. This White House has dropped the ball big time.

“Everybody knows it. People are afraid to talk about it. Other people aren’t.”

Walsh was at the Critics Choice Real TV Awards to receive a career achievement award.

He returned to co-host America’s Most Wanted with his son Callahan on Fox earlier this year.

Walsh became involved in anti-crime activism after his six-year-old son Adam was kidnapped at a department store and murdered in Hollywood, Florida, in 1981.

How to Watch First 2024 Presidential Debate

The first 2024 Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will begin at 9 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, June 27.

Who is hosting the debate?
CNN will be airing the debate with the network’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash hosting.

How long is the debate?
The debate is set to be 90 minutes long.

Where can I watch the debate?
The debate will air live on CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español and the streaming platform Max.

Those without a cable subscription can watch on CNN.com.

PBS News will also be covering the debate starting at 6 p.m., followed by a post-debate analysis. Those without cable can view on PBS’ YouTube page here: YouTube.com/live/Ba6wGGFhBkY.

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