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Does Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree have multiple endings?

Does Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree have multiple endings?

Miquella in Shadow of the Erdtree

The stories in FromSoftware titles are complex affairs that require you to do some serious digging, talking to every NPC… Continue reading Does Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree have multiple endings?

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Miquella in Shadow of the Erdtree

The stories in FromSoftware titles are complex affairs that require you to do some serious digging, talking to every NPC available in order to piece things together.

To make things even more complicated, there are also different endings that can occur throughout most of the studio’s games, including Elden Ring, which might throw you into another confusing spiral just when you thought you had everything figured out.

Now, with the DLC out in the wild, many are wondering if Elden Ring’s expansion has different conclusions.

Let’s get into if Shadow of the Erdtree follows the trend and has multiple endings.

Does Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree have multiple endings?

Even though the Souls series, and Elden Ring itself do have multiple endings depending on certain actions you do in the game, Shadow of the Erdtree does not.

This might seem like an odd choice considering that the base game actually had six different variations of the finale, but it does make sense in the context of the DLC.

This is because the expansion follows the journey to Miquella, who wants to revive Radahn, and ultimately, become a fully-fledged god.

Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree

Your goal is essentially to stop him, since this goes against every single ending that occurs in the standard game, even if he is described as Miquella the Kind.

While all of the above is true, technically, in the battle with Radahn, you can get your ‘Heart Stolen’ by Miquella where you’ll receive some dialogue implying you’re bowing to him. This would lead to a second ending where you fail but obviously this can’t actually happen since you wouldn’t complete the DLC.

So, to sum up, that final, short cutscene is in fact the one and only ending to Shadow of the Erdtree.

While this might be disappointing for those that wanted more, it does conclude the full arc of Miquella, ultimately stopping him before he can be fully restored as a god.

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The post Does Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree have multiple endings? appeared first on ReadWrite.

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