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I’m a gardening pro – the colour to paint your fence if you want your green space to look bigger & the shades to avoid


A GARDENING expert has revealed the best colours to paint your fence if you want to give the illusion of more space.

Light grey is one of the nation’s favourite hues to paint their panels, and pro Fiona Jenkins has revealed it’s one of the best to go for.

A gardening expert has revealed the best colours to paint your fence to make your green space look bigger[/caption]
Light grey is top of the list, as it “reflects light more than dark colours” and “blurs the frame” of the garden to make it look bigger[/caption]

“Light grey softens and blurs the frame of your garden, making it look much bigger than it is,” she explained.

“Lighter colours such as grey tend to reflect more light than dark colours, making it feel much brighter and open, enhancing the perception of space.”

It’s also a good option if you have more “foliage-based plants rather than flowers throughout your garden”, as “the contrast between the light hue of the fence draws the eye outward”.

“This makes the boundaries of the garden appear less constrictive and enhances the sense of spaciousness,” she added.

If you aren’t a fan of grey, why not try light blue?

“Light blue is often associated with the sky on a clear, summer’s day and by painting fences light blue, you mimic the colour of the sky, creating the colour of an expansive overhead space,” Fiona added.

“Not only that, but the contrast of the light blue with any greenery makes vegetation stand out more prominently, therefore casting the eye upward and creating a sense of depth and openness in the garden.”

And if you’re lucky enough to have a south-facing garden, then a soft pink could be the option for you.

“South facing gardens boast beautiful sunshine all day long and the soft hues of sunrise and sunset can cause gardens with pink fences to look much bigger,” MyJobQuote expert Fiona said.

“It can also evoke the sense of natural beauty, creating a serene environment which feels expansive and inviting.”

Sage green is a good shout, particularly if you have “plenty of green border plants”.

“Adding more green not only visually extends the landscape but makes garden boundaries look less conspicuous, creating a feeling of expansiveness,” Fiona explained.

While neutral tones such as beige and ivory can make colourful flowers stand out, as the “lack of visual distraction can make the garden appear larger”.

Garden features that add the most value to a house

A well-kept garden can add anywhere between 5-20% to the value of a property.

Sellhousefast.uk carried out a study and consulted 36 estate agents, garden designers and property professionals from across the UK.

And the experts revealed the garden feature which adds the most value to a property is a shed. 

  1. Shed – 82%
  2. Patio or paving – 76%
  3. Secure fencing, walls or gates – 72%
  4. Outdoor lighting – 66%
  5. Sturdy decking – 62%
  6. Water features eg. fountain or pond – 58%
  7. Modern garden furniture – 54%
  8. Artificial lawn/grass – 40%

But there are some shades to avoid too.

“Fences with high contrast colours or include busy patterns and intricate designs can overwhelm the visual space and make the garden feel smaller, as they break up the continuity of the garden space,” Fiona warned.

“Other constricting colours include bold or vibrant warm tones such as oranges, red-toned browns and yellows as they can cause the area to feel overly ‘busy’ and cluttered.”

Bold and busy fences like this one should be avoided as they can end up making a garden look smaller[/caption]

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