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Michelle Obama Snubs Biden Over Hunter’s Treatment of Ex-Wife, Who Has Close Ties to Her: Report


Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty's podcast "On Purpose."

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty's podcast "On Purpose."

It seems like no one can stand the Biden family these days.

The post Michelle Obama Snubs Biden Over Hunter’s Treatment of Ex-Wife, Who Has Close Ties to Her: Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty's podcast "On Purpose."

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty's podcast "On Purpose."

It seems like no one can stand the Biden family these days.

As their patriarch’s diminishing approval rating prove, there’s only political loss to be experienced when standing with them.

From the many scandals swirling around Hunter Biden to the numerous presidential disasters Joe Biden has overseen, the Biden family’s troubles are so numerous they even seem to be pushing top Democrats away.

This reportedly includes even Michelle Obama.

The report was a Wednesday exclusive from Axios.

The outlet claimed that the former first lady has privately bad-mouthed the Biden family and how they “exiled” her friend Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, after their 2017 divorce.

The two women reportedly became friends during the Obama administration.

According to Hunter Biden’s memoir, they would work out together and enjoy cocktails with one another at the White House.

In her 2022 book, Obama appeared to confirm the friendship was still ongoing, saying “My friend Kathleen and I keep regular morning dates to walk by the river,” according to Axios.

When leaks exposed Hunter Biden’s dangerous behavior — doing hardcore drugs and soliciting sex from prostitutes, among other misdeeds — members of the Biden family blamed Buhle.

Because of this, Michelle Obama reportedly “felt Buhle had been wronged,” and rightly so: It’s not her fault Hunter Biden chose to conduct himself like a degenerate. The wife of such a man is undoubtedly a victim.

But the Bidens apparently didn’t feel that way.

Axios went on to claim that these “family tensions” are the reason, at least in part, for the former first lady’s decision not to campaign for Joe Biden’s re-election in 2024.

Notably, as Axios pointed out, Michelle Obama has not appeared alongside her husband as he has attempted to promote Biden’s re-election in recent months.

She hasn’t even published a social media post supporting Biden since he announced his campaign.

Michelle wasn’t the only Obama put off by the Bidens, however.

After attending a fundraiser during a time when Hunter was dating Hallie Biden, the widow of his deceased brother Beau, former President Obama was reportedly more than a bit disturbed, describing the situation as “weird s***,” Axios reported.

Though sources from Biden’s family claim the Obamas and Bidens are still close, a close examination of the above facts makes it clear that is most likely far from the case.

If nothing else can be learned from this news story, one thing seems apparent: The Biden brand is toxic, even to some of the most powerful figures on the far left.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Michelle Obama Snubs Biden Over Hunter’s Treatment of Ex-Wife, Who Has Close Ties to Her: Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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