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Watch as FURIOUS Grace confronts Love Island bombshell Jessy – as girls go to war over Joey Essex


IT’S all out war on tonight’s upcoming edition of Love Island.

The girls of the ITV2 show will go head-to-head in a tense conversation after the shock recoupling.

Grace Jackson is set to go to war with Jessy Potts
The new bombshell was not as tight lipped as she promised to be[/caption]
Joey Essex previously took Jessy to the terrace as the pair shared a steamy kiss[/caption]

Last night viewers saw bombshell Jessy Potts, 25, chose to couple up with former Towie star Joey Essex, much his bemusement.

This is despite the fact that Wil Anderson, 23, warned his partner Uma Jammeh, 23, that he could be chosen.

Despite shock and bemusement, Joey later pulled his new partner for a private chat on the terrace.

This was before the fledgling duo shared a cheeky yet steamy smooch as Grace Jackson, 25, was left fuming.

In a preview for tonight’s edition, the villa will be completely rocked by the actions of the former Celebs Go Dating star.

Before his head was apparently turned on Love Island, things seemed to be going well between Joey, 33, and Grace.

Joey and Jessy both agreed to keep their secret snog to just the two of them, however the beauty couldn’t help but confess to Jess White, 25.

This was after Grace publicly declared that she would cut contact with Joey if the duo did kiss.

Jess warned her new co-star that the situation would be a “s***storm” when this all comes out.

Jessy then sought out to speak to Grace and they had it out, just as Joey as crudely rebuffed to make things right.

After a day of drama, a text was sent to the villa asking the islanders to gather around the fire pit.

Ciaran Davies, 21, then couldn’t help but remark that “It’s about to go … down!”

He held his head in his hands as the drama reached a fever pitch as tensions came bubbling to the surface.

Love Island's TWO new bombshells

TWO new bombshells are set to cause havoc in the Love Island villa - and here there are.

Name: Jessy Potts

Age: 25

Job: Brand Partnerships Associate

Fun Fact? Jessy says: “I’m a very good skier and a trained scuba diver, I’m big on travel and adventure and always up for a challenge.”

Name: Trey Norman

Age: 24

Job: Commercial Insurance Broker

Fun Fact? Trey says: “Something that a lot of women like that they wouldn’t expect from me but I’m a bit of a geek and academic.

“I’ve got a First Class Economics Degree and have completed my masters as well. I also play chess and was in the chess club at University.”

Jess White could not believe what she heard as Jessy confessed to her about her kiss with Joey[/caption]
Grace declared she would never speak to Joey again if they kissed[/caption]
Ciaran Davies held his head in his hands[/caption]
Tensions in the villa reached a fever pitch[/caption]

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