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Burglar caught red-handed rummaging through pregnant woman’s bedroom


She was just days from giving birth when the 'terrifying' ordeal happened.

A combination image of a mugshot of a male burglar and image of him rummaging through a bedroom.
The victim was just days from giving birth when Kevin Wall (pictured) broke into her home (Picture: SWNS)

A brave woman snapped a picture of a burglar after she woke up to him rummaging through her bedroom.

The heavily pregnant woman, who was not named, woke up in her Cambridge home in the worst possible way – a stranger standing next to her.

She was asleep when Kevin Wall, 34, broke in.

But despite being ‘genuinely terrified’ and fearing for her unborn baby just days before giving birth, she managed to take a picture of the intruder.

Burglar Kevin Wall pictured by a heavily pregnant woman in her bedroom after he broke in in Cambridge.
The terrifying moment was captured on camera by the brave mum-to-be (Picture: Cambridgeshire Constabulary/SWNS)

Wall first ransacked the downstairs of her home in May last year.

He then moved to the second-floor bedroom where the woman, who is in her 30s, was asleep, and she woke up to him demanding her to leave.

Wall claimed he was from the council and asked her where her money and rings were kept.

The brazen burglar found a purse with £2,500 inside, and as the woman tried to retrieve it, he pushed her away.

Wall took off with the cash and her jewellery, but the woman had snapped a picture of Wall while he was going through her belongings.

The picture shows him bizarrely smartly dressed in a grey blazer with elbow patches, blue jeans and carrying a black backpack.

How he was caught driving a stolen car

Days later between May 9 and 11, Wall broke into another home on Crowland Way, Cambridge.

He left with some sentimental jewellery and £25 in cash.

Wall also left his blood at the scene after breaking a glass to gain entry.

On May 11, officers spotted him driving a stolen Hyundai i30 and followed him into White Rose Walk, Cambridge.

He tried to abandon his car and run off, but he was arrested.

Now Wall, of no fixed abode, has been sentenced to five years in prison following a hearing at Cambridge Crown Court on June 12.

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It comes after he pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary, handling stolen goods, dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance and escaping lawful custody.

DC Zoe Bramley, from the southern acquisitive crime team, said: ‘The victim in the burglary was heavily pregnant, just days away from giving birth. She was genuinely terrified. She didn’t know what Wall was capable of and feared for the safety of herself and her unborn baby.

‘Burglary is not a victimless crime. It is traumatic to lose valuable and personal items from your home and the shock of having your property invaded while you are away can be deeply upsetting.

‘I hope following the sentence offers some reassurance that justice has been served by the courts.’

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