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Lagos State Government has empowered 800 widows as beneficiaries drawn from various Non-Governmental Organisations, Faith Based Societies, the State Social Register, Political and Vulnerable groups with the sum of #50, 000: 00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) each.

The Commissioner for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation (WAPA), Cecilia Bolaji Dada stated this at a media parley organised recently to commemorate the 2024 International Widows Day with the theme: “Accelerating the Achievement of Gender Equality (with emphasis on strengthening land and property rights), held at the Conference Room of the Ministry, The Secretariat,  Alausa, Ikeja.

According to her, Lagos State joins the rest of the world in marking the day, focusing mainly on raising awareness of the plight of widows, especially the vulnerable ones and their children.

Dada noted that the State Government will always push for policies and programmes targeted at self-reliance and economic growth that will alleviate the tension of widowhood and stabilise their situations.

“To all the widows out there, we see you, we hear you and we will also support you, we recognise the sacrifices you’ve made, the challenges you are going through. Be assured that you are not alone in this journey. The T.H.E.M.E.S. Plus agenda for social inclusion, which aims to leave no one behind, ensured that Mr. Governor graciously approved funds to support Widows yearly with a cash gift for inclusive governance”, she stated.

The WAPA Commissioner noted that the challenges faced by widows are quite grievous and pathetic, which can only be rectified through access to good healthcare systems, qualitative education, a decent form of livelihood free from violence and abuse and adequate justice for oppressed widows, especially those denied of Land and Property Rights. She emphasised that all agents of socialisation must be effectively engaged to secure a society free from discrimination against widows. 

“In this quest to protect the inheritance rights of widows, the family units are sensitised by the Ministry towards getting all members of the society to treat women as human beings with equal human rights. Nigeria and Lagos as a centre of excellence and pacesetter, have joined the developed world in advocating and towards attaining best International human rights practices which emphasise the equality of all persons”, she added.

Dada assured that the Ministry will continue to work with all stakeholders including the Office of the Public Defender and the Ministry of Justice, to accelerate the achievement of women including vulnerable widows by setting standards that will allow women to be independent and successful.

“Once again, I encourage all our beneficiaries to utilise the cash to support their businesses, focus more on yourself, raise your children in peace, and hold on to God, He is the only available succour”, she concluded.

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