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Mariners Game #84 Preview: 6/28/24


MLB: Seattle Mariners at Miami Marlins
caw! caw!! | Rhona Wise-USA TODAY Sports

the weather’s in the 70s, the Mariners are in the 80s

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: the Mariners just suffered a disappointing series of losses on their roadtrip, failing to win a single series, even against one of the worst teams in baseball in the Marlins. They return home tonight still in first place but with many more questions about the sustainability of this team to remain atop the AL West, especially with the Astros surging of late and the Mariners set to face a very difficult slate of opponents with the Twins, Orioles, and the Blue Jays fanbase headed into town.


It’s Walter in the City Connects tonight:

The Twins will be at full strength after all, with Carlos Correa returning to the lineup.

Tonight’s game information:

Game time: 6:40 PT

Television: ROOT Sports NW with Aaron Goldsmith and Dan Wilson

Radio: 710 AM Seattle Sports with Dave Sims and Gary Hill Jr.

Injury updates:

  • The big news today is that Gregory Santos (lat strain) threw a live bullpen with Ryan Bliss standing in. Santos will start a rehab assignment with Tacoma on July 2.
  • Bryan Woo’s MRI revealed mild inflammation but no serious strain. The team doesn’t anticipate too long of an absence for him, but his return will be predicated on when he can get off the mound comfortably on the injured leg without needing to favor one side.
  • After leaving his last start in the fourth inning with what appeared to be a back issue, Emerson Hancock is feeling fine and on track to make his next start for the Rainiers tomorrow (Saturday).
  • Gabe Speier (rotator cuff) is throwing off a mound tomorrow and is scheduled to throw a bullpen on Tuesday. He’s still trending towards a return just after the All-Star Break.
  • In MiLB injury news, Colt Emerson made his first rehab appearance in Arizona last night. He’ll continue to work on getting his timing back before returning to a full-season affiliate. Also, Tyler Locklear is fine after getting hit in the helmet with a pitch in the Rainiers game last night and is back in the lineup today. Stop putting that baseball-attracting magnet in your helmet, Tyler!


LHP Jhonathan Díaz is with the team and will either be the starter in Sunday’s game or, if the team chooses to pitch Castillo on normal rest but skipping the fifth starter spot, will provide length out of tuckered-out Mariners bullpen. RHP Cody Bolton has been optioned to Tacoma to make room for Díaz.

Today in Mariners history:

  • 1988: A 6-0 blanking by the Rangers still had a moment of levity when Glenn Davis chased a down a fair ball that rolled into the Mariners bullpen. With the game ball trapped under the bullpen bench, Wilson pulled a ball out of the ball bag and tossed it back into the field. When asked to comment, Wilson said simply, “I grabbed the first ball I saw.”
  • 1996: The Mariners tie the club record with 19 runs as they clobber Texas at the Kingdome, 19-8. Luis Sojo was 5-5 and Joey Cora tripled twice.
  • 2012: Felix Hernandez tied his career-high with 13 strikeouts and threw a CG shutout in the Mariners 1-0 win over the Boston Red Sox. John Jaso delivered a pinch-hit, walk-off single with one out in the bottom of the 9th inning to score Casper Wells with the winning run.

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