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Gray On “Positive” Edinburgh City Outing


David Gray was pleased with his players’ performance and application against Edinburgh City after a full-on first week back to pre-season training.

His Hibs side ran out 5-0 winners at Meadowbank thanks to goals from Chris Cadden, Dylan Levitt, Harry McKirdy, Reuben McAllister, and Josh Campbell.

Each members of Gray’s squad got 45 minutes under their belts against the William Hill League Two side before completing a series of runs and a gym session.

When speaking to Hibs TV after the match, Gray explained how pleased he’s been with his players’ efforts.

“It was a very positive performance. It’s been a tough week for the players, so for them to perform the way they did makes me really pleased.

“They got 45 minutes into their legs after a tough week, a clean sheet, and won the game, which is important.

“It’s been a fantastic week, I must say. The application from the players and the response they’ve given myself and the staff has been great.

“They’ve done everything we’ve asked of them and the most important thing is we’ve got through this week safely, put a lot of load into their legs, and they showed their quality today. They’ve got through the mental challenge too, when it has been tough, to keep going, which is really positive.”


Supporters would’ve noticed there were a number of First Team players missing from the starting XI, and our Head Coach explained their absence.

“They’re on a cycle slightly behind because they were on international duty or arrived slightly later as planned. They were at HTC training earlier today and have been doing the same sessions the other players had at the start of the week.

“Hopefully by Monday, when we go to Holland, we will all be back together again. I’m really pleased with where everyone is and their testing results. We’re in a real good place and I’m positive we can take it forward.”

There were seven Academy players involved against Edinburgh City this afternoon, and Gray is open to giving young Hibees opportunities when they deserve.

“I think it’s important to involve the young players. I know a lot of the young players because I’ve been at the Club such a long time, and they always have an opportunity to impress every single day.

“When they’re training with us, they need to step up to that standard and they did that today, which I’m really pleased with.

“They need to keep pushing forward, and if they’re good enough, they will always have a chance of playing.”

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