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Who is Love Island star Lionel Awudu? Meet the financial advisor from Reading


LIONEL Awudu is ready to make a big splash in the Love Island villa.

Here’s everything we know about the financial advisor, who is hoping to find someone he can “appreciate” during Casa Amor.

Lionel Awudu is a new Love Island star[/caption]

Who is Lionel Awudu?

Lionel Awudu is one of the Casa Amor bombshells, who believes he will bring ‘good vibes’ to the show.

He said: “I’ll bring confidence to the Villa, good energy and good vibes. 

“I love flirting. Just being very direct in what I want and who I want.

“I won’t be afraid to step on people’s toes and do my own thing. 

“One day they could be in your bed, the next day they could be in mine…”

As Lionel Awudu settles into the Love Island Villa, he’s already got his eye on three islander: Mimii, Uma, and Grace

Each of these women has caught his attention for different reasons, and Lionel is eager to explore the unique connections he feels with each of them.

“Top three girls, in no particular order, are Mimii, Uma, and Grace,” Lionel shares. 

He continues: “Besides the fact that they’re all very beautiful, their personalities really draw me in.”

Lionel finds Mimii’s reserved and chilled nature to be a perfect match for him.

“Mimii is more the reserved, chilled type. That matches me,” he explains.

On the other hand, Uma’s bubbly and energetic personality brings out a different side of Lionel. 

He said: “Uma brings in that energy.

“She’s very bubbly, and that brings out the energised side of me.”

I won’t be afraid to step on people’s toes and do my own thing

Lionel Awudu

Grace strikes a balance between the two, combining elements of both reserve and vivacity. 

Lionel explained: “Grace is kind of a mix of the two. She’s more on the reserved side. That’s why I like her, as well as Mimii. They all seem cool and really nice.”

What does Lionel Awudu do? 

Lionel Awudu is a 24-year-old financial advisor from Reading.

He said he joined Love Island as a bombshell to “find the love of his life”.

Lionel says he’s ‘not afraid to step on people’s toes’ in his quest to find love[/caption]

Lionel told ITV: “I’m trying to find the love of my life, who can appreciate me and I can appreciate them. 

“There’s no better place than Love Island. 

“I’ve tried traditional dating methods, but it hasn’t really worked out for me.

“In life I feel like it’s better to try something new.”

Love Island LATEST Couples

LOVE Island's latest coupling-up ceremony saw a big shock twist- but who is now partnered up?

  • Grace & Konnor
  • Matilda & Sean
  • Jess & Joey
  • Mimii & Ayo
  • Nicole & Ciaran
  • Uma & Wil
  • Harriett and Ronnie

When is Lionel Awudu appearing on Love Island?

Lionel Awudu is appearing on Love Island from Sunday June 30, 2024 as part of Casa Amor.

During Casa Amor, either the boys or the girls are shipped off to a separate villa and a new bunch of bombshells are sent in to tempt them away from their current partner.

An insider told The Sun: “The Casa bombshells are going to make the biggest bang yet. 

“We always say Casa Amor is the ultimate test and this year’s troop are going to be some of the lads’ Everest.

“There’s some girls the lads will recognise — for good and bad reasons.

“There’s exes, situationships, conquests and affiliations.

“There’s already more drama in the villa than on the Euros football pitch, but bosses are expecting plenty of red cards from the OG girls after Casa.”

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