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Coronation Street’s Sarah Platt faces police questioning over murder charge


CORONATION Street’s Sarah Platt faces police questioning over a murder charge in upcoming scenes.

Last month, Sarah took drastic action in a bid to protect her daughter Bethany, after Nathan Curtis – the man who had groomed her as a teen – returned to Weatherfield.

Coronation Street’s Sarah Platt faces police questioning over a murder charge in upcoming scenes[/caption]
Sarah tried to pay off Nathan Curtis last month[/caption]
She then decided to frame him for Lauren’s disappearance but police officer Kit caught her[/caption]

She paid him £10k to leave town, but when he didn’t, he was attacked and Sarah went on to form a new plan.

Sarah headed back to the building site with a plastic bag containing Lauren’s hair bobble, found in her things that she left at the Platts.

However, new police officer Kit caught Sarah in the act, forcing her to admit she was planning to plant the hair bobble in Nathan’s van to prove he murdered Lauren.

Kit urged her to let the police do their job but later, news spread through the street that Nathan had been arrested after Kit found ‘evidence’ in his van.

Nathan is currently behind bars awaiting trial for the crime – which viewers know he didn’t actually commit.

In a sick twist, it is actually Nathan’s own lawyer – Joel Deering – who is behind Lauren’s disappearance, but none of the Coronation Street residents have learned this yet.

But in upcoming scenes, Kit warns Sarah that DS Swain has been doing some digging and she’s caught onto the fact that Nathan received some hush money to drop the case.

DS Swain drags her in for questioning and asks her directly if she knew who attacked Nathan and if she bought his silence with £10k.

Will Sarah tell DS Swain the truth? 

Meanwhile, daughter Bethany has got a situation of her own after discovering someone had used her old company credit card without her knowledge.

She was able to find copies of her statements to confirm she hadn’t used it herself.

Eyebrows were raised even further when solicitor Joel Deering offered to give her legal advice on the situation.

In upcoming Coronation Street scenes, Bethany shows the company credit card statement from Lazaret to Shona.

Shona spots a supermarket transaction and suggests it might have been a ‘click and collect’, and she should phone them in case there’s some CCTV footage. 

What or who will Bethany discover?

Bethany is still trying to figure out who has used her old company credit card[/caption]

Coronation Street Spoilers: News & Cast Updates

The beloved British soap has been captivating audiences for decades.

The show follows the lives of the residents as they navigate love, loss, family drama, and community struggles.

Here’s the latest on:

Coronation Street airs on ITV1 and is available on ITVX.

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