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Everyone can see the tiles but you have 20/20 vision if you can spot the dropped piece of fettuccine in under 9 seconds


THERE is no reason to cry over spilled pasta, but you may have a hard time locating it in this optical illusion.

If you can find the uncooked piece of fettuccine camouflaged in the brainteaser, you may have 20/20 vision.

There’s more than meets the eye in this optical illusion — a piece of fettuccine is on the floor

Reddit user Therewazarollo perplexed people with a photo of their kitchen floor.

At first glance, it looks like a plain patterned floor design, but it contains an optical illusion.

“Find the piece of fettuccine,” they captioned the post, challenging others to look for it.

There is uncooked food hidden in plain sight and only those with eagle-eyed vision can spot it.

A piece of pasta is perfectly camouflaged in the picture.

How quickly do you think it would take you to find it?

If you can spot it in less than nine seconds, then you might have a sharper set of eyes than most Redditors.

Grab a stopwatch and set your timer to test your skills.

Ready, set, go.

If it took you longer than the time above to spot it, don’t worry.

The answer is circled directly below in red.

The fettuccine is in the center of the visual but closer to the right.

Another Redditor gave a helpful guide to help you find it.

“Start at the top-left, and (taking the top row as full squares), go three squares to the right. Then count three down,” they advised.

“The sniper is hiding in the vertical pattern in the bottom-right of that square.”

You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the piece of uncooked pasta in under nine seconds
You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the dropped piece of fettuccini in under 9 seconds
The fettuccine blends in perfectly with the kitchen tiles[/caption]

If you’re interested in one more challenge, here is another.

Reddit user BonnieMcMurray shared an image of what looks like a pile of dry leaves in the woods.

But there is something else underneath the surface: a poisonous snake.

In order to take the photo from above, the Reddit user had to be careful to avoid the copperhead’s venomous bite.

Can you find the snake hidden in the leaves in the image?[/caption]

The slithering reptile blends into the scene perfectly, making it difficult to spot.

Set your timer now for 20 seconds and see how quickly you can find the camouflaged snake.

How long did it take you?

If it took you longer than expected, don’t worry because the answer is circled directly below in red.

You’re sharper than most Redditors if you found it in under 20 seconds
You’re sharper than most Redditors if you found the copperhead in under 20 seconds[/caption]
Even up close it’s difficult to see the slithering creature[/caption]

The copperhead snake is right in the center of the image.

It is surrounded by light brown bark and blends well with the backdrop.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

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