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I was forced to SHUT seaside attraction after petty complaints from neighbours…I’m reopening 100m away


A WOMAN who was forced to shut her seaside attraction after receiving petty complaints from locals has fought back.

Emma Ayles became the target of neighbours moaning about the smell of bacon and the sound of clinking teacups coming from her cafe.

a woman wearing an apron that says the cody shack
Emma Ayles has been allowed to reopen The Caddy Shack[/caption]
a wooden sign that says caddy shack on it
The rugby club car park cafe had complaints from nearby neighbours[/caption]
a sign that says caddy shack cafe in the rugby club
It has since been allowed to reopen to 100 metres away from where the original was[/caption]
an aerial view of the cafe 's new approved location and the caddy shack 's old location

The Caddy Shack in a rugby club car park on Weymouth beach front, Dorset, was thriving after it opened in April 2022.

But three nearby residents claimed the “smell of bacon” and “hearing teaspoons and teacups” was ruining their standard of living.

Officials ordered Emma, 47, to shut the cafe last December, due to the “unacceptable harm” it caused to the neighbours.

But now, a planning application submitted by the owner to relocate The Caddy Shack has been approved – just 100 metres away from its original spot.

By repositioning her cafe, which is in a converted shipping container, it has taken it out of the earshot and the nostrils of the complainants.

Mum-of-two Emma said she’s delighted “common sense has prevailed”.

She said: “It has been really great opening again and we have been very busy, with non stop customers.

“We have 12 tables and as soon as one goes another group was taking them.

“It is a relief that common sense has finally prevailed after we were shut down for something as petty as the sound of teacups and smell of bacon.

“But that’s the past now and it is time to put that behind me and look forward.

“The feedback has been really positive and we are hoping to employ 10 people.”

Following the approval of the revised plans, previous objectors of the cafe now said they are “satisfied”.

Complainant Robert Smith said: “As neighbours who previously objected to the position of the Caddy Shack we would like to say we are satisfied with its new location which is where we originally suggested.

“None of the surrounding neighbours wanted this business to close, we simply wanted it to be moved back towards the rugby club…it is only a shame that the Caddy Shack and the rugby club chose not to consult with their neighbours.”

Councillor Tim Young, who was in support of Emma’s business, previously said: “I would like to support it. It was a very popular resource, it would be a shame if it didn’t come back.

“They have moved it back a bit, that would seem to solve the problem.”

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