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Oklahoma City releases report on mental health response efforts

Oklahoma City releases report on mental health response efforts

The city of Oklahoma City has released a report on its mental health response efforts.

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) - The city of Oklahoma City has released a report on its mental health response efforts.

According to the city, the report explains:

  • Its goals for offering services to those in crisis
  • The city's core services, protocols and resources
  • How its services compare to federal guidelines
  • What its responses look like with real examples

“Over the years, the City has diligently expanded our resource base for residents experiencing a mental health crisis, establishing a benchmark for comprehensive behavioral health services and collaborating with the community to address gaps in the process,” Assistant City Manager Jason Ferbrache said. “This report shows the City’s commitment to improving mental health services in the community.”

Officials say the 20-page report, titled "Transformational Progress, Oklahoma City's Mental Health Services", is part of an effort to keep residents in the loop on mental health-related programs and services available.

“This report underscores the dedication of our officers to the well-being of our community, ensuring residents are connected with resources that meet their needs,” Oklahoma City Police Chief Wade Gourley said. "In partnership with local mental health service providers, we can deliver public safety and professional mental health services at the same time."

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), around 1 in 25 adults in the United States has a serious mental illness. In 2023, out of 18,614 mental health-related calls, less than one percent ended in an arrest.

“Our top priority is safely connecting people in crisis with mental health professionals as soon as possible,” Lieutenant Vanessa Hurd, OKCPD’s Crisis Intervention Team Commander, said.

The city says the report features two new programs, the Oklahoma City Fire Department's Crisis Call Diversion Unit and Crisis Response Team, which are funded in the FY25 budget.

“Our new Crisis Call Diversion Unit will add mental health professionals to 911,” Oklahoma City Fire Chief Richard Kelley said. “When people experiencing a mental health crisis call 911, a counselor will either stabilize them and refer them to services or dispatch a crisis response team staffed by a Fire Department paramedic and a mental health professional. We are excited to better serve our residents with this improved approach.”

To read the report and learn more about mental health services available in OKC, visit OKC.gov/mentalhealth.

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