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Airline launches first-ever flights from the UK to one of the world’s largest cities


AN AIRLINE is set to launch its first-ever flights from the UK to one of the world’s largest cities.

The incredible new journey will take travellers from Manchester on a 5,700 mile trip to the other side of the world – with flights starting today.

The incredible new journey will take travellers from Manchester on a 5,700 mile trip to the other side of the world[/caption]
Juneyao Air will do three flights a week to Shanghai[/caption]

Privately-owned Chinese carrier Juneyao Air has announced their new scheme which will sensationally open up the North of England to Shanghai.

The lesser-known airline is running three flights per week from China’s beloved city to Manchester in the first ever connection between the two places.

Juneyao Air currently uses two Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners for the long-haul routes which take over 11 hours.

The airline became the first privately-owned Chinese carrier to operate intercontinental flights back in 2019 when they implemented a link between Shanghai and Helsinki.

The trio of flights were due to launch back in 2020 but the Covid-19 pandemic hampered plans.

Industry experts have applauded the route for a number of reasons.

Analytics firm Cirium was full of praise as they noted outbound traffic from Manchester airport has seen a huge rise in 2024.

It is predicted to be going up 10 per cent year on year and is also 7 per cent higher than pre-pandemic levels. 

Cirium chief executive Jeremy Bowen said: “As Cirium data shows, Manchester is one of the most connected cities in the UK for flights, so that is why we welcome the start of the new three-day a week service from Juneyao Air linking Manchester and Shanghai.

“With the start of these new flights, 2024 is projected to see Manchester airport offers more departing seats than before the pandemic and is helping secure its position as one of the most connected airports in the UK. 

“We know this will bring significant economic benefits to the north of England as aviation is a great economic enabler and the more links an airport has, the greater benefits it can convey.”

Manchester airport already has an ever-growing network of over 200 flight destinations with tourists flying in to enjoy the best of what the city has to offer.

A key component of why Manchester has joined forces with Shanghai is to open up the new northern market to the wealthy Chinese business district.

The airport hopes to attract tourists to some hotspots such as the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District.

Manchester airport managing director Chris Woodroofe added: “It is so exciting that Juneyao Air has chosen Manchester as its first UK destination. 

“Manchester and the north’s links to China go back many years; Manchester’s Chinatown is one of the biggest and oldest in the UK and Liverpool is twinned with Shanghai. 

“This new link will bring huge benefits to the region. It will help the region’s Chinese communities connect with their friends and families and provide new customers and connections for Northern businesses.”

It comes as a new budget airline promising cheap long-haul flights has been forced to delay its launch date by a year.

Flights had initially been expected to take off this summer, but the carrier has now stated 2025 is its target instead.

Global Airlines has claimed it will provide cheap routes from the UK to the US and recently acquired an Airbus A380, considered to be the world’s largest and most spacious passenger aircraft.

However, necessary work on the plane is not yet complete and will push the airline’s target back until next year.

Meanwhile, this budget airline is launching brand new flights to a lesser-visited European city.

And this brand new airline will also launch next year, with flights from the UK to the “next Dubai”.

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