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Everyone can see flamingos but you need high IQ to spot heart in 7 seconds


YOU must have amazing eyesight and an incredible IQ if you can spot the little hidden heart in a matter of seconds.

The latest brainteaser shows a sea of pink flamingos – but you need to spot the heart.

Spot the heart in the sea of pink flamingos[/caption]

There are other items in the image to distract you, but stay focused and prove your intelligence.

Set your timer, get your eyes engaged, let’s begin!

Make sure to scan every nook and cranny of this tricky brainteaser.

You will need great attention to detail and composure to succeed in this challenge. Do not get distracted.

If you find this challenge too easy, or enjoy testing your brain, have a look at our other optical illusions.

Check this mind-bending brainteaser where you are asked to find the hidden butterfly amongst flowers in just seven seconds.

To make things harder, try figuring out what’s wrong with this image of smiling women as you count their legs in 11 seconds.

Lastly, you might want to prove you have a 20/20 vision as you search for a strawberry in this carnival scene.

If you’re struggling to find the heart in the image, here’s a clue: look closely at the feathered tails of the flamingos.

Did you know that optical illusions have an array of benefits for your mind and body?

How can optical illusions and brainteasers help me?

Engaging in activities like solving optical illusions and brainteasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate various brain regions.

Some benefits include:

  • Cognitive stimulation: Engaging in these activities challenges the brain, promoting mental agility and flexibility.
  • Problem-solving skills: Regular practice enhances analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Memory improvement: These challenges often require memory recall and can contribute to better memory function.
  • Creativity: They encourage thinking outside the box, fostering creativity and innovative thought processes.
  • Focus and attention: Working on optical illusions and brainteasers requires concentration, contributing to improved focus.
  • Stress relief: The enjoyable nature of these puzzles can act as a form of relaxation and stress relief.

If you found that pesky hidden heart, congratulations!

For those who didn’t, you’ll find it circled below.

Keep your brain engaged and have a go at our three other illusions.

Did you spot the tiny heart?[/caption]
Can you spot the hidden number in this illusion?
Can you spot the hidden number in this illusion?
Can you spot a ladder hidden somewhere in this image?
Can you spot a ladder hidden somewhere in this image?
Spot the hidden heart under seven seconds
Spot the hidden heart under seven seconds
Only those with a high IQ could spot the number 20
Only those with a high IQ could spot the number 20
The ladder was cleverly hiding leaned against the book shelf
The ladder was cleverly hiding leaned against the book shelf
True lovers will be able to see the heart hanging on the tree
True lovers will be able to see the heart hanging on the tree

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