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Sir Keir Starmer says trans women with penises WON’T be allowed to use female toilets in latest U-turn


FLIP-FLOPPING Sir Keir Starmer has finally declared trans women do not have the right to access women-only spaces amid weeks of confusion over Labour’s stance on it.

The wannabe PM says biological males who have legally transitioned should not enter areas designated for women, insisting those spaces “need to be protected”.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has hardened his position on trans rights[/caption]
a woman in a blue dress stands in front of a sign that says rift
Harry Potter author JK Rowling accused Sir Keir Starmer of abandoning women[/caption]

But his hardened position comes after two Labour frontbenchers gave muddled and conflicting answers on whether trans women with penises should use women’s toilets.

Presented with a question from JK Rowling over whether pre-op trans women will have the right to enter women-only spaces, Sir Keir told The Times: “No. They don’t have that right. They shouldn’t. That’s why I’ve always said biological women’s spaces need to be protected.”

On whether he would be willing to meet with the Harry Potter author, he said: “I have indicated a willingness (to meet her). Hopefully we can get that organised.”

But a furious Rowling, who has said she would “struggle to support” Labour if it does not change its stance on trans rights, hit out: “You haven’t always said this.

“You refused to give a yes/no answer and walked away the last time you were asked the question on camera.

“To reiterate: I am not the one the Labour leadership should be meeting. Grassroots women’s and gay people’s groups have been begging for a hearing.”

Sir Keir’s comment mark a shift from previous Labour messaging.

Last week, Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson claimed trans women with penises will be able to use female toilets under Labour’s plans. .

She argued female lavatories were the right place for people with gender recognition certificates (GRC).

The current process to obtain the document involves stringent checks, including medical sign-offs and a requirement to live in the new gender for two years.

But Labour’s latest proposal could soften both of these rules.

Meanwhile, Shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth was asked by LBC’s Nick Ferrari on Monday whether he would want a trans woman with a penis to use a male or female lavatory.

He replied: “I’m not a toilet monitor.”

Asked to clarify his stance, he said: “We don’t have police officers outside or guards outside every set of [lavatories]… Matters like that are for individual establishments.”

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