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I forked out on a mummy makeover but it ruined my sex life – my hubby said I should put him & our 3 kids above my looks


SHE thought she’d get her toned figure back after giving birth to three wonderful kids.

But instead, Loren Brovarnik is far from loving life after her ”natural mummy makeover”, explaining that rather spicing things up, it’s made her sex life with hubby worse.

instagram/Loren Brovarnik
The mum-of-three decided to get a ‘natural mummy makeover’ after C-sections had left her with abdominal separation[/caption]
The couple met on season 3 of the cult favourite TLC show and have since tied the knot
instagram/Loren Brovarnik
However, Loren revealed that their once-healthy sex life has cooled down quite a bit
instagram/Loren Brovarnik

The 36-year-old, who shot to fame after appearing on 90 Day Fiancé, underwent plastic surgery in last September, in 2023, opting for liposuction, a tummy tuck and fat transfer.

Loren, who met her now-husband Alexei Brovarnik on season 3 of the cult favourite show, decided to give her body a total transformation after giving birth to the couple’s third child in 2022.

”This surgery is the first step to reclaiming Loren again,” the dark-haired beauty opened up on Sunday’s episode of the TLC reality series.

Loren said that she and Alex have always had a spicy sex life which she described as ”very healthy” – but the body makeover, as well as the never-ending squabbling, has cooled things down quite a bit.

”Before marriage, before kids, I was more independent. I loved that version of myself,” she shared on TV.

”But Alex likes that version of Loren at home, taking care of the house and the kids. So I don’t know if he wants the old Loren back.”

She continued: ”We’ve always been a united front and lately we have not been on the same page and we really need to get back to that.”

The mum-of-three, who shares sons Shai, four, Asher, two, and daughter Ariel, 21 months, with the handsome hunk said she felt strongly about getting the surgery – as she’d been left with abdominal separation after having C-section.

”When I decided to get the surgery, I thought for sure that it would help with my body dysmorphia and my confidence and change that,” Loren – whose friends and family insisted she didn’t need to go under the knife – admitted.

However, despite forking out for the surgery, the mum said that these issues hadn’t disappeared anywhere, and mentally and physically she hadn’t made much progress too.

Loren confessed that while Alexei, 35, supported her decision, the husband was later overwhelmed with both taking care of her and also their three young children.

The mum-of-three was practically almost healed on the recent episode and even played with the idea of returning back to work.

”I really lost myself in the postpartum depression and everything,” she told the 35-year-old.

What does a mummy makeover involve?

WE'VE heard all about it on social media, with a growing number of women forking out a fortune to get their pre-birth bodies back. But what does a mummy makeover involve?

The goal of the often-dramatic transformation is to restore a more lifted, youthful look to your body contour. This may require excising excess skin, removing unwanted fat around the belly area, increasing breast volume with a breast implant and/or addressing volume loss with fat grafting.

Although it can be a great way to restore a woman’s confidence and self-esteem, that doesn’t mean there aren’t potential risks which should be carefully considered before undergoing the procedure. 

Some of these, experts at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, have warned, include bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, hematoma, seroma, loss of nipple sensation, inability to breast feed, implant leak, capsular contracture, anaplastic large cell lymphoma and unfavourable scarring.

”I want to further my career for our family. I don’t want to just be mum and a wife.”

He replied: ”You’re a mum, first of all, you need to take care of the kids, take care of the house and and me, as far as I need.”

According to the husband, who was working as a medic when the two met, the couple had an agreement she’d be a stay-at-home mum when they had children.

However, Loren has since changed her mind, and argued that it was possible to do both – and be a working mum.

”It’s possible – and I’m going to show you,” she told Alexei.

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