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Community garden brings homegrown organic vegetables to DC’s Ward 7


In D.C.’s Ward 7, where many residents struggle with food insecurity, lies a community garden which is bringing locally-grown, organic vegetables to nearby residents. The garden is run by the Nicholson Project, a nonprofit arts organization that gives visiting artists a D.C. residency in which they can stay and create new works.

Allison Nance, managing director of the Nicholson Project, said that in 2019, in the row home’s backyard, a garden was started with the goal of using what was grown for programming purposes.

“Then, in the wake of COVID and being in a food desert, this really provided direct access to fresh produce to our neighbors living in apartments behind us and the houses all around us,” Nance said.

From carrots, to okra and shiny, purple eggplants, the garden has blossomed, and so have many of the flowers planted in it as well. The garden is planned and maintained by a part-time garden manager and volunteers.

“They help us plant and then harvest, and then they take the vegetables back to use themselves. Any of our neighbors can come and pick up produce when they want. We also distribute it to other organizations like DC Dream Center,” Nance said.

Nance said the garden has also become an educational center for the neighborhood as residents come and get advice from those who work in the garden with the hopes of creating their own produce gardens at home, even if they don’t have a backyard.

“People have learned that they can easily plant their own small garden even in the apartments right here, we’ve had some people take seeds, and then grow stuff in jars,” Nance said.

She said the garden also connects neighbors with the visiting artists who stay and host exhibitions of their work at the restored row home.

As the organization renovates a neighboring home its recently purchased for more artist studios, she said, there are also plans to potentially expand the garden in the backyard of that home.

“Continue with some produce, more pollinators, which is good for the whole community and all the produce growing around here,” Nance said.

For Nance, who is a lifelong D.C. resident, the garden is a special experience for her.

“Just being able to come to work one day and pick a cantaloupe was pretty exciting,” she said.

Since the garden has opened, Nance said it has provided 10,000 servings of fresh greens, produce and herbs to the community.


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