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Vile moment smirking Rebecca Joynes buys pupil, 15, Gucci belt on shopping trip – before taking him home for sex


THIS is the vile moment a smirking teacher lavishes a £345 Gucci belt on her pupil – before taking him home to have sex twice.

Rebecca Joynes, 30, lured the 15-year-old into meeting up with her before taking him on a shopping trip to Selfridges.

Rebecca Joynes can be seen grinning as buys one her victims a belt[/caption]
The teacher splashed out £345 on the accessory after taking the teen shopping[/caption]
Joynes had arranged to meet up with the 15-year-old after sharing flirty texts
The pair were then seen returning to her flat where they had sex twice
Steve Allen
Joynes has been jailed for her vile crimes[/caption]
The teacher, seen with her dad, hid her face as she arrived at court today[/caption]

Footage shows her grinning at the teen, named only as Boy A, as she splashes out on the high-end accessory.

The teacher can be seen looking smitten while he hands the belt over to a shop worker before using her card to buy it.

Separate CCTV later shows the pair returning to her flat in Salford through a back gate – with a Gucci shopping bag in hand.

Once there, the pair kissed then had unprotected sex twice.

It was while on bail for the sickening abuse that she targeted a second teen boy, who was just 15 at the time.

The teacher went on to have a baby with him after they had sex at least 30 times when he turned 16.

Joynes was today jailed for six-and-a-half years after being convicted of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust.

Joynes preyed on her first victim – Boy A – when he was just 15 years old by exchanging flirtatious messages.

The former gymnast – known as “Bunda Becky” – gave him the first ten digits of her number and asked him to guess the last one.

He then messaged her saying “hi”, and when she failed to reply, he told her in class: “So, you’re just ignoring me then?”

The pair began texting in a “normal” way at first but Joynes then asked if he wanted to meet up.

He said: “I remember saying, ‘Surely you’re joking?’

“And she said: ‘No, I’m not’.”

In one set of texts, the pair discuss him going to her flat, with the teen asking if they were still on or not.

Joynes targeted the two boys in her maths class[/caption]
The teacher tried to paint herself as a victim[/caption]
She feigned surprise when she was arrested after having sex with Boy A

Joynes replies: “You better had come now you told me you are.”

It was then the pair went to Selfridges together before Joynes drove them back to her flat.

At one point the predator even laughed as she made a joke about their age gap.

They had unprotected sex twice, before Joynes told him: “No one had better find out”.

But the teen had taken a photo of his teacher lying down on the bed which, coupled with a love bite, caused rumours to swirl.

His “distraught” mum then stormed into reception – leading to Joynes being arrested and suspended from the school.

Despite being bailed on the condition she did not contact any child under 18, the predator “brazenly” set her sights on a second pupil – Boy B – when he was aged 15.

This progressed into a sexual relationship when he turned 16 after Joynes sent a racy snap of her bum.

She also wrote the teen a gushing note describing him as “perfect”.

Joynes sent Boy A flirty texts
She also told him ‘it’s only you’
The messages also revealed their plans to meet up

It read: “I know we are struggling right now and are both extremely stressed.

“But I really hope we can work something out to keep this going for a while longer.

“Every inch of you is perfect and you are all I ever dream about.”

Once he turned 16, the boy went to Joynes’ flat where she straddled and kissed him before taking his virginity.

The pair later went on to have sex at least 30 times in “numerous different places”.

Joynes told Boy B it was “nearly impossible” for her to get pregnant because she had polycystic ovary syndrome.

But he went to her flat for “date night” and was presented with pizza, scattered rose petals and an Ann Summers scratchcard of sexual activities.

A twisted treasure hunt led to a babygrow that said “I love my daddy to the moon and back”.

Steve Allen
Joynes revealed she was pregnant on a ‘date night’[/caption]

Boy B told the court he reacted by saying: “What the f**k?”

He said Joynes was crying and told him “I don’t know if I can do this on my own”.

The boy also told jurors he tried to end the relationship after believing Joynes was “emotionally abusing” him.

The teen added: “I would try and end it and would say ‘you are a f***ing weirdo, you’re a nonce basically, go find someone your own age’.”

He added that he’d spent 18-months of his life “with a paedophile”.

The baby was taken from Joynes following an emergency court hearing 24 hours after delivery and is now in the care of the teen dad.

The teacher, who has been clutching a baby bonnet every day in court, is allowed contact three times a week for three hours.

During her evidence, Joynes tried to portray herself as someone who just felt “lonely” and wanted the attention.

She told how she had gone through a break up during the pandemic as she strongly denied having a “powerful” sexual attraction to 15-year-old boys.

Joynes also told jurors she ruined her “dream job” with stupid “mistakes” – but claimed her sexual relationship with Boy B only began after he had turned 16 and they had both left the school.

How shamed teacher's web of lies unravelled

By Holly Christodoulou, Digital Court Editor

REBECCA Joynes attempted to paint herself as a “lonely” teacher who was just craving attention when she began messaging her victims.

Claiming she had just gone through a break-up, the mum appeared horrified as she denied having a “powerful” sexual attraction to boys.

But while working at the school, she shunned work events and never interacted with her colleagues on a non-professional level.

Instead, Joynes struck up close bonds with her pupils – chatting with the girls at break time and “strutting” down the corridors as they cheered her on.

It wasn’t just the girls who had taken a shine to Joynes but also her male pupils, who found her “really pretty”.

She just laughed when she was given the nickname “Bunda Becky” and revelled in comments about how “sexy” she was.

Her vile crimes may even have been wrongly seen as rumours spread by schoolboys looking for respect among their peers.

But even though she factory reset her phone to cover her tracks, police were able to find texts that blew apart Joynes’ web of lies.

Instead of a desperate teacher looking for company during the pandemic, she was revealed as a predator who lured the teens for sex.

Joynes tried to backtrack through her trial – even at one stage blaming one of the pupils for “controlling her”.

She also sobbed as she attempted to garner sympathy by discussing the child she had with her 16-year-old victim.

Clutching a bonnet belonging to the baby, Joynes shook when the guilty verdicts were delivered.

The delusional teacher may have convinced herself she had done nothing wrong but her crimes were apparent to anyone who followed the case.

Now she’s been locked up, perhaps the true victims in the case can finally move on.

The teacher said: “I was in love with him. I was pregnant with his child.”

But the court was told Joynes was simply a “gaslighter” who was trying to paint herself as the victim.

She was also accused of a “naked attempt to garner sympathy” by visibly tucking a baby’s bonnet belonging to the tot she had with Boy B into her trousers.

Jane Wilson, senior crown prosecutor for CPS North West, described Joynes as a “sexual predator”.

She said: “Joynes was entrusted with the responsibility of teaching and safeguarding children.

“She abused her position to groom and ultimately sexually exploit schoolboys. Her behaviour has had a lasting impact on them.”

Joynes had denied the offences against her[/caption]

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