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King Charles III Might Have a Different Plan for Royal Lodge Amid Prince Andrew Eviction Attempts


King Charles III’s battle with Prince Andrew over Royal Lodge has almost been going on for a year now. The idea was that the Duke of York would move out of his 30-room residence and into Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s former home, Frogmore Cottage. However, Andrew has been resistant to the idea. 

The original rumors had Prince William and Kate Middleton wanting more space and the opportunity to renovate Royal Lodge for their young family, but there’s a new twist to this story. According to Jane Barr’s From Berkshire to Buckingham newsletter, via Express, “Charles is truly determined” to get Andrew out to make sure Queen Camilla has a comfortable place to live in case she outlives her husband. 

Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrew.

The new theory aligns with the original sentiment that the Prince and Princess of Wales want to keep Adelaide Cottage as their primary residence because they prefer not having household staff living with them. The cozy four-bedroom home doesn’t leave any room to spare with their three children, Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 5. With the Wales family out of the equation, Charles reportedly has some “renewed momentum” to get his disgraced younger brother moving to Frogmore Cottage as the feud closes in on its first anniversary. 

There’s one person who has preferred to stay out of the entire feud, and that’s Sarah Ferguson. She told Good Morning Britain that she’s “a very lucky guest and a very comfortable guest” at Royal Lodge and that’s where the story begins and ends. “I tend not to get involved in brothers’ discussions and I think that’s the best, most safe place to be, is to let the brothers discuss it between themselves,” she said. Ferguson probably knows that her ex isn’t going down without a fight, though. 

“He was given the lease on the house on favorable terms by the late queen. He has been living there with his family for the past twenty years,” an Andrew pal told The Daily Beast in June. “It is his forever home, and he won’t be leaving. Charles has more than enough houses to go round and should drop this distracting argument with his brother.” The king is going to have a hard time evicting his brother and it’s highly unlikely that Andrew is going to give up his beloved home so Camilla can reside there in the future.

Before you go, click here to find out which tell-all books expose major royal family secrets.

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