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Old Mutual takes Pension Law to journalists


Old Mutual Malawi on Thursday engaged journalists from Lilongwe to equip them with knowledge on the new pension law.

Speaking during a media workshop, Old Mutual Marketing and Corporate Affairs Executive Patience Chatsika said there is need to highlight the importance of vouluntary pension in the country’s economy and help in civic education and raising awareness on the need for people to regularly update beneficiary nomination forms.

“The media has always walked alongside Old Mutual for the past 70 years, during which the company has existed in Malawi.

We opened our offices in Malawi in 1954, and throughout all these years, the media has remained our true friend and partner,” she said.

The workshop particularly targeted media practitioners who are members of the Association of Women in Media (AWOME) and Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi.

Chatsika aid the company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MISA Malawi to be sponsoring the Old Mutual Responsible Business Reporting Award which is presented during the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day celebrations every year.

She said the institution partnered with the AWOME, to train them on the new Pension law in readiness for the MISA Business Reporting award.

Vice Chairperson for AWOME Lisa Malango hailed Old Mutual for the initiative to educate journalists on the new Pensions Act.

“The initiative taken by old mutual to educate journalists on New Pensions Act is commendable. This workshop will not only enhance our understanding on such a critical topic but will also equip us with the knowledge necessary to inform and educate the public effectively,” she said.

MISA Malawi chairperson Golden Matonga said MISA Malawi and Old Mutual Malawi have been organising such training sessions since 2020 to improve media coverage on savings, insurance and investment sector.

“We expect that you will utilise this training opportunity and the partnership to grow yourselves professionally and write more on savings, insurance and investment and the Pensions Act of 2023 to ensure that Malawians receive accurate and helpful information around these issues,” he said.


The post Old Mutual takes Pension Law to journalists appeared first on Malawi Voice.

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