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I became a gran at 36 when I’d planned to have more kids of my own – I already have 8 but my grandson is the most spoilt


A WOMAN has revealed that she became a grandmother at just 36 years old, when she had been planning on having more children of her own.

Ana Washington, now 37, welcomed grandson Zenith Lee Net, now 22 months, into her life in September 2022.

Jam Press/@truwaxstudio
Ana’s grandson was born when she was 36[/caption]
Jam Press/@truwaxstudio
Ameliah is an Aunt at just eight years old[/caption]
Jam Press/@truwaxstudio
Ana takes care of her grandson full time[/caption]

She always expected to be a grandmother at a young age, as she gave birth to her firstborn Atayvion, Zenith’s father, aged just 16.

Ana, along with her husband Trunnell, now looks after her grandson full-time, as well as caring for her eight children.

She has two sons, Atayvion, 20 and Robert 15, and two daughters, Faith 16 and Ameliah 8, as well as four stepchildren.

“Life as a grandmother at 37 is a wonderful experience,” Ana, told What’s The Jam.

“I have the energy to be with my grandson and he makes me want to stay healthy so that I can be in his life for as long as I can.

“When I’m out, I get a lot of people saying ‘Your son is so cute’.

“Rather than explain that I’m his grandmother I just say ‘Thank you’.”

Ana, from Arizona USA, had planned on having more of her own children before Zenith was born.

The aesthetician said: “I have my grandson full-time so I don’t have much time to go out or do anything.”

“I also own my own business and have four children of my own so it is a busy, busy, life.

“Finding out I was going to be a grandmother was crazy because I still planned on having kids myself.

“Taking care of Zenith full-time is like having another baby just without breastfeeding.

“My husband and I decided to be there for Zenith full time.

Here's why I love being a young mum

Tracy Kiss, who fell pregnant at 19, has revealed what she believes are the pros of being a young mother.

The personal trainer and blogger, from Buckinghamshire, believes women who give birth in their teens make BETTER mothers than those in their 30s.

She claims young mums snap back into shape quicker, have more energy and relate more easily to their children, meaning they’re better behaved and happier.

Tracy told Fabulous: “Women who become first-time mums in their teens make better parents than those in their 30s or 40s.

“I believe if I’d been 10 or so years older before becoming a mother then I wouldn’t have the relationship I have with my children now.

“For a start, being older I would have had less energy and therefore less patience.

“I wouldn’t be as enthusiastic to speak to people after months of sleepless nights as I was in my teens.

“My body snapped back to its pre-pregnancy size through fitness post-birth, which in turn gave me the confidence to date and find love again. I’ve never been happier than I am now at the age of 30 with two children.

“If I’d have been alone at 40 with a newborn baby I’d be more tired, less happy with my body, less energetic and far more stressed from the shock of living my life for myself instead of putting others first. Sometimes age and the innocence of ignorance is a good thing.

“As a teen mum I just got on with it, found my feet and became responsible and capable because at the time I didn’t know any different.”

“We are happy to care for him so that he has the best environment possible.

“My kiddos at home help care for Zenith so he has the most attention and can be pretty spoiled.”

Zenith will turn two this September.

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