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Where You Should Live Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type


It can be argued that cities, like people, all hold distinctive personalities. To find which one best matches your own personality, take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and then check out which city jives best with your values.

ISFJ – Zurich, Switzerland

Zürich, Switzerland

If there’s anything an ISFJ likes it’s a clean, well-ordered environment where everyone gets along nicely and everything works the way it should. In the pristine city of Zurich, ISFJs will find themselves perfectly at home. Reserved but polite, the citizens of Switzerland don’t like to raise much of a fuss unless they have to. They go about their days, get business done as they should and then retire to their well-maintained homes with their close-knit families. Ever-neutral Switzerland is the ideal spot for the peace-seeking ISFJ. No fuss, no muss, no hefty disagreements.

ENTP – Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers a diverse fusion of the Eastern and Western worlds, with enough food, entertainment, languages, religions, diversity and opportunity to keep the ENTP intellectually stimulated until the end of time. This type loves exploring new avenues of thought and new methods of experiencing life. The sprawling city of Hong Kong is as diverse as the ENTP’s mind – constantly presenting a new opportunity to learn, progress and change. It is the ideal fit for the ever-evolving existence of the ENTP.

ISTP – Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown by Lawrence Murray

Coining itself the “Adrenaline capital of the world,” Queenstown looks like a giant playground to the sensory-oriented ISTP. This type thrives on hands-on activities and is drawn to extreme sports like heli skiing, skydiving, mountain biking and hang gliding. ISTPs can usually be found dangling from cliffs with a Gopro strapped to their head and complete disregard for the rules strapped to their psyche. They’re independent by nature and adventurous in spirit – more or less the precise definition of a Kiwi.

INFP – Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Tolerance and mutual respect are at the core of Amsterdam’s values, which sits well with the peace-keeping INFP. This type craves harmony, connection and deep analysis of the human condition: All of which present themselves in the eclectic city that is Amsterdam. Once you get past the scandal of the drug scene, you find a fascinating well of culture that resembles the psyche of the INFP: Hesitant and reserved, yet deeply understanding of various forms of life. INFPs find comfort in the liberal values of Amsterdam, while enjoying the space to fully consider their own beliefs and values.

ESTJ – Shanghai, China

Shanghai, China

Known as the economic, commercial and financial center of China, Shanghai is an ideal fit for the business-savvy ESTJ. This type thrives on efficiency and progression in the workplace, which means they like to move up quickly. Shanghai offers the opportunity for ESTJs to play in the big leagues of international business, while still occasionally letting loose and getting rowdy in one of the many international nightlife districts. This impressive Chinese city places the hard-working ESTJ right in the heart of opportunity.

INTP – Silicon Valley, USA

Cupertino, a town in Silicon Valley

Not so much a city as a suburb of one, Silicon Valley is an ideal spot for the innovative INTP. This type thrives in intellectually stimulating environments that encourage both logical analysis and creative inspiration. The massive quantity of tech companies and startup businesses in Silicon Valley allows the opportunity for this inquisitive type to thrive. There is no shortage of brainpower in the intellectual district of San Francisco, which means the INTP almost never runs out of new ideas to pick apart.

ESFP – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

ESFPs like it hot – in every sense of the phrase. Rio de Janeiro is alive and thrumming with music, culture, passion and excitement, which is perfect for the vivacious ESFP. This type likes to be where the action is and where the party never stops. Rio de Janeiro provides unlimited opportunity for this people-centered type to mingle, mix and live it up. Plus the mind-blowing backdrop of the city appeals to the aesthetic focus of this sensory-oriented type.

ENTJ – New York, USA

New York City

If there’s one thing ENTJs love it’s getting things done – in the most efficient and progressive way possible. This innovative type likes to be exactly where the action is, so that they can analyze the action, come up with a more efficient way to harness it and then turn it into a profitable enterprise that they get to take charge of. What better a place for this progressive type than the center of the world, New York City? They want to be on top of all the latest developments and if there’s one place where the action never stops, it is in the big apple.

ESTP – Capetown, South Africa

Capetown, South Africa

Thrumming with action and adventure, Capetown is the perfect escape for the ever-wired ESTP. Daring and bold, this type enjoys collecting new experiences and moving quickly toward novel endeavors. They are incredibly in tune with their external environment, which means the outdoorsy nature of Capetown appeals to them. Mountains in the backyard? Check. Surfing two blocks over? Done. The fearless ESTP will find plenty to occupy themselves with in the stimulating city of Capetown.

INTJ – Seattle, USA


As the most highly educated and most literate city in the United States, Seattle offers an ideal fit for the cerebral INTJ. This type is open-minded yet guarded, curious yet hesitant and private yet deeply intrigued by all aspects of the human experience. Seattle itself offers similar contrasts: It is progressive yet secluded, wealthy yet humble and urban yet environmentally conscious. INTJs find themselves perfectly at home in this progressive city, as the science and technology fields attract NT types in hordes. This means they have an ideal peer group to share thoughts, ideas and theories with. Plus the gloomy weather tends to drive people indoors, so the INTJ is free to shut themselves away to work on their latest project.

ISFP – Honolulu, Hawaii


ISFPs are the embodiment of the tranquil, harmonious culture of Hawaii. This type puts a heavy emphasis on aesthetics, which makes the lush backdrop of Honolulu an ideal spot for the artistic ISFP to find inspiration. Collectivistic yet reserved, this type enjoys deep connections with loved ones but takes time to warm up to others – which is why the small, remote location of Hawaii suits them perfectly. Small enough to comfort them, wild enough to let them roam free.

ENFJ – Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy

With all of the charm but less of the chaos of most Italian cities, Florence’s delightful streets practically beg for ENFJ invasion. The quaint streets and comfortable neighborhoods allow for close-knit communities to form, which is a priority for the ENFJ. This type loves nothing more than establishing deep connections with others and fostering those relationships closely. The family-oriented culture of Italy embraces these values whole-heartedly – with a country steeped in history and artistic creativity to boot.

ISTJ – Berlin, Germany


ISTJs like clear-cut, upstanding efficiency – and Germany offers the ideal cultural fit. The historical city of Berlin holds a heavy focus on education, development and intellect, which appeals to the no-nonsense nature of the ISTJ. This type doesn’t hesitate when it comes to getting things done and they enjoy living in a city that holds the same value. Patriotic to the core but private with their personal lives, this type enjoys the structured, independent values of Germany.

ESFJ – Los Angeles, USA

Los Angeles

ESFJs want to be where the people are – particularly where the people are hooking up, shacking up, breaking up and living it up. This type thrives on connection, which makes the celebrity-ridden matrix of Los Angeles an ideal spot for ESFJs to keep up to date with the latest goings-on. Plus the ever-changing nature of the film industry provides ample opportunity for people-centered work, which is what the ESFJ truly shines at.

INFJ – Paris, France


Paris offers an unprecedented combination of class, culture, history and style. The city has been a metropolitan melting pot of artists and intellectuals since its first days and is unbearably attractive to the idealistic NFs of the world. Valuing privacy but feeling deeply engaged with the artistic community, INFJs find themselves blending nicely into the cosmopolitan streets of Paris. They are able to explore their interests in depth, engage with the history of the nation and keep to themselves as much or as little as they please. The delightful French culture of Paris sits well with the INFJ – who is as rare a gem as the city itself.

ENFP – San Francisco, USA

San Francisco

ENFPs barf rainbows. San Francisco barfs rainbows. It’s a perfect fit. But in all seriousness, the liberal values of San Francisco have been attracting NF types for decades. Known for its hippy-dippy attitude and intellectual focus alike, the city is a perfect fit for the idealistic, liberally minded ENFP. This type enjoys exploring numerous avenues of self-expression and personal growth, which San Francisco provides ample opportunity for. This buzzing, vibrant city mirrors the attitude of the effervescent ENFP in almost every way possible.

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