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Is it illegal to feed foxes in your garden?


FEEDING foxes in your garden can provide a unique opportunity to observe wildlife up close.

However, it’s essential to approach this practice responsibly to ensure the well-being of the foxes and maintain a balanced ecosystem.

Feeding foxes is not illegal in the UK[/caption]
Foxes are protected under the Welfare Animal Act 2006[/caption]

Is it illegal to feed foxes in your garden?

Feeding foxes in your garden is not specifically illegal in the UK.

However there are guidelines and considerations.

Feeding should not cause harm to the foxes or other wildlife.

Improper feeding can lead to dependence on humans for food, which may affect their ability to forage naturally.

Excessive feeding can attract more foxes than your property can support, potentially causing a nuisance to neighbours.

Some local councils may have specific bylaws or regulations regarding feeding wildlife, including foxes.

It’s advisable to check with your local council for any specific guidelines.

And lastly, improperly managed feeding can lead to health risks, such as spreading diseases among foxes or attracting other pests.

Trevor Williams, founder of fox rescue charity Fox Project said: “Generally we suggest people don’t feed foxes, because it will undermine their territory if they can’t be bothered to go farther afield.

“Also, foxes don’t just take what they need – they take what’s available and bury it for later.

“And if it’s constantly turning up in next door’s flowerpots, they may end up getting in someone to deal with the foxes lethally.”

Can you be fined for feeding foxes in your garden?

In the UK, there isn’t a specific law that directly fines individuals for feeding foxes in their gardens.

However, there are broader considerations under which fines or penalties could potentially be applied.

If feeding foxes causes a nuisance to neighbours, such as attracting large numbers of foxes or other wildlife that disrupts the peace or cleanliness of the neighbourhood, local councils may intervene.

This could result in warnings, fines, or other measures under local nuisance laws.

Some local councils may have specific regulations regarding feeding wildlife, including foxes.

It is also best to check with your local council.

Is it illegal to feed any animals in your garden?

It is not illegal to feed any wild animals in your garden.

However wildlife is protected under the Animal Welfare Act of 2006.

The Act applies to all vertebrate animals and includes provisions for the protection of animals in various contexts, including domestic pets, farm animals, and wildlife.

In the context of feeding animals in your garden, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 underscores the importance of providing for animals’ welfare needs and avoiding actions that could cause harm or lead to dependency that might compromise their welfare.

You can be jailed and get an unlimited fine for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

Therefore, while feeding animals in your garden is generally not prohibited by the Act, it should be done in a way that respects their welfare and does not lead to negative impacts on their health or natural behaviour.

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