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Is it illegal to feed birds in your garden?


FEEDING birds in your garden is a popular and encouraged activity in the UK.

However, you should be careful when feeding birds, especially in public places.

Feeding birds is a popular activity in the UK[/caption]
Blue Tits on a Bird Feeder in the Sussex Sunshine[/caption]

Is it illegal to feed birds in your garden?

No, it is not illegal to feed birds in your garden in the UK.

Garden-building expert Sam Jenkinson told Bournemouth Echo: “You generally cannot receive a fine for simply feeding birds in your own garden in the UK.

“There is no national law prohibiting it, and putting out feeders for your feathered friends is a common and enjoyable practice.”

However, there are guidelines recommended by organizations such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) to ensure that feeding is done responsibly.

RSPB recommends providing a variety of bird foods such as seeds, nuts, suet, mealworms, and fruits.

However, you should avoid salty or dry foods, as well as those high in fat, salt, or sugar.

The best way to feed birds is to use bird feeders, tables, or ground feeding areas to minimize food wastage and ensure cleanliness.

It is also important to provide fresh water for drinking and bathing, especially during dry periods or freezing weather.

And ensure feeders are safe from predators like cats, and place them in suitable locations away from hazards.

Can you be fined for feeding birds in your garden?

In the UK, you generally cannot be fined simply for feeding birds in your garden.

Sam Jenkinson added: “While attracting feathered friends with bird feeders is a popular practice, some instances have seen residents facing restrictions.

“In rare cases, excessive bird gatherings linked to specific gardens have been deemed “anti-social behaviour” under the Community Protection Notice (CPN) scheme.

“This could result in a £100 fine and an order to stop feeding.”

Some local authorities or housing associations may have specific guidelines or rules regarding bird feeding, especially in shared spaces or areas where feeding might cause issues.

It is also best to check with your local council to avoid being fined, especially if you want to feed birds in public places.

Is it illegal to feed any animals in your garden?

Feeding animals in your garden is not against the law.

However, it’s important to note that wildlife is safeguarded under the Animal Welfare Act of 2006.

This legislation covers all vertebrate animals and includes measures to protect animals in various settings, including pets, farm animals, and wildlife.

Regarding feeding animals in your garden, the Animal Welfare Act of 2006 emphasizes the necessity of meeting animals’ welfare requirements and avoiding actions that could harm them or create dependency that might compromise their welfare.

Inflicting unnecessary suffering on an animal can result in imprisonment and substantial fines.

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