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KFC Canada Implements Halal-Only Chicken Policy in Ontario, Bans Pork in Nod to Islamic Practices

Credit: Ted Wathen / Quadrant

KFC Canada has announced that all of its Ontario locations will exclusively serve Halal-certified chicken and will cease offering pork products, aligning with Islamic dietary practices.

Brigitte Gabriel, Founder & Chairman of ACT for America, a grassroots movement dedicated to preserving America’s culture, sovereignty, and security, expressed concern over this development.

“KFC in Canada is requiring all their Ontario stores to serve Halal chicken exclusively. They are also discontinuing pork products. Truly insane times. I have been warning the West about this for a long time,” Gabriel wrote.

Halal is an Arabic word that means “lawful” or “permitted”.

According to Food Network, Halal meat refers to meat from animals that are permissible according to Islamic law and have been sacrificed following Islamic ritual. The process of obtaining halal meat, known as dhabiha, involves specific guidelines:

  • The animal must be removed from the herd and calmed before slaughter
  • It should be slaughtered with a swift cut to the neck, severing the jugular vein, carotid artery, and windpipe
  • The name of God must be recited during the sacrifice
  • All blood must be drained from the animal

This method is considered by many to be the most humane way of animal slaughter.

According to the memo sent to community leaders in Ontario, KFC Canada is launching Halal-certified chicken across its restaurants in Ontario from May 15th, 2024 (excluding Thunder Bay & Ottawa).

The memo further detailed the steps taken by KFC in this direction:

  • All chicken products will be Halal Certified including but not limited to: chicken on the bone, chicken tenders, popcorn chicken, sandwiches, wings, etc.
  • Discontinued pork products at all KFC Locations (excluding establishments co-branded with Taco Bell).
  • Partnered with Halal suppliers such as Maple Lodge Farms, home of Canada’s #1 Halal brand, Zabiha Halal with long-standing experience delivering Halal products to the Muslim community.
  • Trained Ontario restaurant staff on Halal operational procedures.
  • Collaborated with KFC Canada Muslim team members on the Halal roll-out.

However, this decision has raised eyebrows considering that the majority of residents in Ontario identify as Christians. According to the 2021 Census, approximately 52.1% of Ontario’s population identified as Christian, while only 6.72% identified as Muslim.

The reaction to KFC’s decision echoes a similar situation faced by Earls Steakhouse chain in Canada, which made a controversial switch from Canadian beef to Halal beef.

According to an X user, “A few years ago, while I was in Canada, the owner of Earls steakhouse chain, Mo (yes short for Mohammed), switched all of the steaks to Halal beef instead of Canadian beef. After watching his business dive 30 to 40%, he brought back Canadian beef. Now they’re trying again, this time using KFC.”

CBC reported:

Canadian beef is back on the menu at Earls restaurants, at least in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Earls president Mo Jessa announced Wednesday that 27 of its 66 restaurants are now serving Canadian-raised, ethically treated beef that is free of antibiotics and growth hormones. The rest of the restaurants will follow suit over the next couple of years.

“I learned something from this whole process and it was a good lesson,” Jessa told reporters, speaking outside an Earls location in downtown Edmonton.

Two months ago, the Vancouver-based Earls came under fire when it announced it would start sourcing its beef from a Kansas ranch accredited by the non-profit group Humane Farm Animal Care.

“We wanted to serve beef without antibiotics, hormones and had certification for ethical treatment,” Jessa said.

The post KFC Canada Implements Halal-Only Chicken Policy in Ontario, Bans Pork in Nod to Islamic Practices appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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