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Jake Quickenden reveals he’s expecting second baby with wife Sophie in adorable announcement


JAKE Quickenden has revealed he’s expecting his second baby with his wife Sophie Church.

The couple shared their happy news on Instagram with a sweet family video featuring their son Leo, three, and Sophie’s eldest son Freddie, 10.

Jake Quickenden and wife Sophie are expecting another baby
The happy couple shared the news on social media

Jake, 35, said: “WE HAVE NEWS…. soon to be five. We can finally let you know after a long time trying we are gonna bring another bundle of joy into the world.

“We are super excited. Can’t wait to live off 2 hours sleep again. Have a lovely Sunday.”

In the clip, the expectant parents sat their loved ones down and revealed the news which was met with lots of smiles and hugs.

They celebrated with Leo and Freddie by having champagne flutes of cake, and their baby scan was on the table close by.

Friends and fans were delighted.

Vicky Pattison commented: “Best news ever. congratulations guys.”

Coleen Nolan said: “OMG congrats… so happy for you x.”

Chris Hughes posted: “Congrats both unreal.”

Jordan Banjo shared: “Congrats brother.”

Even though he joked about lack of sleep in the reveal, the tiredness did have a tough impact on Jake’s wellbeing first time around.

Last year he told Mother & Baby: “I did struggle, I had burnout and I did find myself sitting on the bed and letting a few tears out every now and again with Sophie, and admitting like ‘this is just this is so hard, I’m so tired’.

“I think it is a sleep deprivation thing and once that goes and you all start sleeping more, it just becomes so much more enjoyable.”

Despite this, he always had intentions of adding to his family.

“We’d love to have another baby,” he said. “It’ll be hard again, but we’re kind of ready for it this time. We’re not putting too much pressure on it.

Jake and Sophie married in 2018[/caption]

“But if it happens, it happens. And we’d be delighted. If we do it a second time round, I think communication is key, like I maybe didn’t communicate as much as I should have with how I was feeling. So we’ll see what the next few months bring.”

Jake and Sophie began dating in 2018 and married four years later in Ibiza.

They share son Leo, while Sophie has Freddie from a past relationship.

X Factor legend Jake previously told The Sun how becoming a father had changed him.

“Just being a dad, I honestly can’t describe it in words. I find myself smiling, it’s amazing watching him grow.

“I changed as soon as Sophie told me she was pregnant, I felt a change in me, just this feeling of overwhelming love.

“It’s been hard, I’m not going to sugar coat anything but you’ve got to work at it. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Reality TV favourite Jake has won Dancing On Ice and taken part in Celebrity: SAS Who Dares Wins and I’m A Celebrity.

He has also bravely shared his emotional family story on The Real Full Monty.

Jake’s dad Paul died from a rare form of bone cancer in 2008.

Two years later his brother Oliver was diagnosed with osteosarcoma – the most common form of bone cancer – when he was only 16.

Oliver passed away in 2012 surrounded by his family.

The couple share their family life on social media and have a loyal fanbase

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