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I got a drunken tattoo on a girls’ holiday in Malia – it did have meaning, but that all changed by the end of the night


CHECK out the hilarious moment this girl got her bank pin number tattooed on her ankle.

While on holiday in Malia, Greece, Olivia Robbins did what many do and got a drunk tattoo while out on the strip with her friends.

Olivia was on a girls holiday in Malia[/caption]
She got her pin number tattooed on her foot while drunk[/caption]
She had no memory of getting it[/caption]

As with most drunk tattoos, it didn’t end up being something with a lot of thought behind it.

Olivia, from Dunbar, Scotland, said: “Nothing else came to mind, not even a simple flower or something, so I decided I’d never ever forget my PIN number if it was printed in ink on me.”

The tattoo would become even funnier after she woke up the next morning and saw the digits on her ankle.

She said: “With hardly any memory I woke up and had 4 digits in printed on my ankle with a smiley face and a lost bank card which was quite literally nowhere to be seen.

“Woke up with many regrets, but hey at least I won’t ever forget that PIN number.”

Getting tattoos has long been a furious debate, and recently an influencer spoke out about not getting inked until you’re “sure” about what you want.

@mrsinkeduk on TikTok explained in a recent video: “As someone who is heavily tattooed I’m telling the younger generation: do not get tattooed where you can see them.

“Don’t do it.

“Because let me tell you, I gave no flying… at your age, I really didn’t.”

Crissie, whose video has had 1.2 million views, explained to her 130k followers she didn’t want to sound like a “boring mum” but it isn’t always positively received when someone has tattoos on somewhere like their face or neck.

“I’m thankful that I am not heavily tattooed so that people can see them.

“Because let me tell you it will stop you from getting a job – yes, that is discriminative and I do not deny that.

“But first appearances do count.”

She added in her youth she wanted to be “completely different” and “rebel against society” by getting tattoos but revealed age had given her some perspective.

Can you get a tattoo if you're drunk?

Getting a tattoo can be a big decision and, even without being intoxicated, you could end up with something you regret.

However, many artists will not ink you while you’re drunk, and even if you do, you cannot legally sign a consent form while drunk.

Not only will it affect you, but it could also affect the reputation of the artist and shop where you get the inking done.

According to alcohol.org: “f the quality of their work is poor because of excessive bleeding, their business could suffer.

“In addition, intoxicated customers are not pleasant for anyone to deal with. They are more likely to fidget during the session, and this could be distracting for the artist.”

They add: “You are getting a piece of artwork engraved onto your body for life, so you want to make sure the conditions are optimal.

“Even slight mistakes can become regrettable problems over time, so make sure you’re in good condition both mentally and physically to give yourself the best tattoo experience.”

Something which could also be affected is your ability to listen to the instructions of the artist, who will tell you about aftercare for the tattoo, something which you might struggle to comprehend while drunk.

“Do not get your neck, hands, and face tattooed before the rest of your body.”

You might not give a s*** now but in 20 years time you will do.

“Don’t get a tattoo until you know exactly what you wanna do – and you don’t know what you’re doing in your 20s.”

She added you should think “smart and logically” about any possible body art you might get.

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