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'Sounds strong!' Biden's surprise MSNBC appearance rallies Dems but earns MAGA scorn


President Joe Biden's surprise call-in to Morning Joe Monday morning shocked Democrats who have been calling on him to step aside from his 2024 reelection campaign.

Biden spoke for 18 minutes on the MSNBC morning talk show during which he defended the work he does in Washington D.C. while former President Donald Trump was "riding around in a golf cart" at Mar-a-Lago.

Viewers included Hollywood actor and director Rob Reiner, who backtracked on demands made over the weekend that Biden should end his campaign to ensure the "convicted felon" didn't win.

"If we see the Joe Biden that appeared on Morning Joe today every day until Nov.5, he’ll be able to shut up people like me who think he should step aside," said Reiner.

MAGA supporters remained unimpressed and doubled down on accusations that Biden is senile.

Jon Favreau, onetime speechwriter for former President Barack Obama and host of the political podcast Pod Save America, cheered Biden for his rigor but slammed his message.

"Energy is great! Sounds strong! Love that part," wrote Favreau. "Message absolutely sucks - angry, defensive, lashing out at all the wrong people."

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Biden's message included a brief brushing aside of political pundits — such as the New York Times editorial board, CNN commentator David Axelrod and New Yorker staff writer David Remnick — who have called on him to step aside.

"They're big names, but I don't care what those big names think," Biden said. "The rest of the world, our allies, are looking for U.S. leadership — who else do you think could step in and do this?"

Favreau's comment spurred messages of support from followers.

"You can't win every battle at once," replied attorney Michael Anderson. "If Biden is staying in, priority one is to do anything to assure people he can mount a vigorous challenge. The energy and tone do that."

"I would like to see him do more of these," added Kevin Sabellico. "In studio. No better way to prove the doubters wrong...Just get the TV hits done."

Osita Nwanevu, a columnist for the New Republic, suggested that Biden was more concerned with his own political power than he was the fate of the nation.

"He's evolved on some matters and changed in certain ways," Nwanevu wrote. "But for nearly 40 years, Joe Biden has been dedicated to fighting on behalf of his number one issue, which is Joe Biden being the president."

Film producer Marlene Dermer also pointed to Biden's lengthy resume when expressed her support for his candidacy.

"At this point anything he does gets criticized by mainstream media, pundits & you," Dermer told Favreau. "Meanwhile no continuous coverage of Project 2025, [Trump's] confusions of names, constant lies every day."

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