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Watch the shock moment Robbie Williams boasts about wild sexual exploits with fans at Hyde Park gig


ROBBIE Williams has boasted about his sexual dalliances with fans while performing to a crowd of thousands.

The singer, 50, made the audience blush as he declared his wild antics during his sellout gig at London’s BST Hyde Park.

Robbie Williams shocked fans at BST Hyde Park with his sexual boast[/caption]
The Sun
The singer pointed to fans and joked about how he’d tried to bed them all[/caption]

Robbie even pointed to one lady in the audience and teased that he “remembered her” from his hell-raising days in the 90s.

Showing off his toned tattooed arms in a white vest, the former Take That star said in a sing-song voice: “You kind of feel it in your fingers. You kind of feel it in your toes, yeah.

“But the number one rule of entertainment is, you must love your audience. And in the 90s, I tried to love you all individually.

“I nearly got there too!”

Robbie then focused on one female fan at the front and said: “I remember you. Is that your husband?”

The show was held in celebration of Robbie’s 25 year solo career.

Robbie is now happily married to his wife Ayda Field and together they have four kids – Teddy, 11, Charlie, nine, Coco, five, and Beau, three.

However, it appears some of his fans are still just as wild for him as they were at the start of his career.

Robbie also called out one randy female for getting a bit handsy with his private parts at the gig.

Speaking from the stage runway, he said: “It’s not like the 90s. It’s very mumsy over here.

“One of them checked my temperature, one of them supported my back, but whoever that was over there is a magician because, I am not kidding you, this actually happened, somebody got their fingers like this [make pinching motion] and went right on my b***end.

“I’m not kidding you, that happened. They zoned in and went boom, like that. Thank you, you made an old man happy.”

During the concert, Robbie also spoke about his time in Take That – the band that made him famous.

He even recounted his growing upset with Gary Barlow for “singing all the songs”, which fuelled his desire to break free from the group and experience the limelight himself.

But Robbie went on to perform the Take That song Back For Good, before getting the crowd to cheer for each of his former bandmates – Gary, Mark OwenHoward Donald and Jason Orange – proving any animosity has long since died.

However, animosity has not died completely between him and Oasis musican Noel Gallagher.

He was described as the “fat dancer from Take That,” by Noel back in the day and Robbie took his chance to get a little bit of revenge.

In a video on social media, Robbie can be seen using a tiny cardboard cut-out of Noel in his entrance film before he walked on stage.

He walks past miniature Noel before stopping and leaning down to pat him on the head – in an apparent joke about the High Flying Birds rocker’s stature.

Robbie found fame in 90s pop band Take That[/caption]
Getty - Contributor
He has now made up with the group after a power struggle saw him quit in 1995[/caption]
Getty - Contributor
Robbie went on to launch his own solo career, which has now spanned 25 years[/caption]
The BST Hyde Park concert marked his milestone solo success[/caption]

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Сергей Собянин поздравил народного артиста Александра Михайлова с днем рождения

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