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Soldier stabbed in central Paris just days before start of Olympic Games


The attack has raised concerns about security levels at the Olympic games.

Soldiers patrol inside the Gare de Lyon station after an attack, Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024 in Paris. A man injured three people Saturday in a stabbing attack at the major Gare de Lyon train station in Paris, another nerve-rattling security incident in the Olympic host city before the Summer Games open in six months. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)
A French soldier has been stabbed at the Gare de l’Est train station in eastern Paris (Picture: AP)

A French soldier was stabbed outside a major train station in Paris, just days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics.

Paris is on high security alert following the attack, which has seen the soldier hospitalised and his assailant arrested.

A French military official said the soldier is not in a life-threatening condition, and that the reason for the attack is currently being investigated.

Authorities don’t suspect terrorism as a motive at this stage, according to the national counterterrorism prosecutor’s office.

A French soldier of the Sentinelle security operation stands guard in front of a security perimeter after a knife attack at Paris's Gare de Lyon railway station, a major travel hub, on February 3, 2024. Police said that the suspected attacker had been arrested and that the motives behind the attack were unclear. The 8:00 am (0700 GMT) attack left one person with serious injuries while two others were lightly wounded. (Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP) (Photo by THOMAS SAMSON/AFP via Getty Images)
French authorities have ruled out terrorism as a motive (Picture: AFP)

The soldier was among thousands of troops serving in the Sentinelle force for France’s domestic security.

Interior minister Gerald Darmanin tweeted that the soldier had been patrolling at the Gare de l’Est train station in eastern Paris, and that the attacker had been detained.

Paris is deploying about 30,000 police officers each day for the Olympics, which run from July 26 to August 11, with a peak of 45,000 for the opening ceremony on the Seine river.

About 18,000 members of the military are also helping ensure security.

Soldiers in the Sentinelle force have been targeted in the past.

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