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Trump and RFK Met to Discuss a Potential Role in His Administration, According to New Report


Former President Donald Trump met with independent presidential candidate Robert F.

The post Trump and RFK Met to Discuss a Potential Role in His Administration, According to New Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Former President Donald Trump met with independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to discuss a potential role in the administration, according to a new report.

The meeting occurred Monday in Wisconsin before Trump announced he had chosen J.D. Vance as his running mate.

Speaking to Mediaite, an unnamed source within the Kennedy campaign said the candidates had a “lengthy conversation” during which “there was some discussion over Bobby playing a future role in the [Trump] administration and what that role might be.”

“Trump was evaluating Bobby’s potential,” the source added.

The source told the outlet that Trump and Kennedy also discussed “unity as a nation” and “security issues” in the wake of Trump being shot in a failed assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday.

Kennedy had confirmed the meeting in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“Lots of rumors going around about my meeting this morning with President Trump,” the candidate wrote. “Our main topic was national unity, and I hope to meet with Democratic leaders about that as well. No, I am not dropping out of the race.”

“Yes, Mr. Kennedy met with President Trump today to discuss national unity, and he hopes to meet with leaders of the Democratic Party as well. And no he is not dropping out of the race. He is the only pro-environment, pro-choice, anti-war candidate who beats Donald Trump in head-to-head polls,” Kennedy campaign press secretary Stefanie Spear said in an on-record statement to Mediaite.

Spear provided no insight into Kennedy’s potential role in the Trump White House.

On Monday, Trump called for Kennedy to be granted Secret Service protection, which Joe Biden finally agreed to.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, Kennedy has compared the attempt on Trump’s life to the assassinations of his uncle, former President John F. Kennedy, and his father, Robert F. Kennedy.

The candidate explained that when his uncle was assassinated, it was also at a time of great division in this nation.

“And when my uncle landed in Dallas in November 22nd, 1963, there were posters all around Dallas that said, Wanted Dead or Alive.’ And they — the Dallas newspapers — were printing very, very poisonous articles about him. And his death in some ways was linked to that wave of hatred,” he explained. “And the same was true with my dad.”

Five years after JFK was assassinated, his brother RFK was running for office when he was also fatally shot at the Ambassador hotel in Los Angeles.

“My dad was running in 1968, which was the most polarized, divisive time in American history since the American Civil War. You know, there was terrible anger on both sides, on all sides and part of the eruption of that anger was not only the riots we were seeing in the cities that year. … We also saw Martin Luther King’s assassination that year. And then two months later, my father’s assassination and all of it is connected, and it’s connected to each of us, and each of us needs to take responsibility for our own behavior. And you know, hopefully we can we can make something good of this.”

Kennedy went on to urge both Joe Biden and Trump to turn down the rhetoric and “Stop empowering people who are filled with hatred and marginalized who are capable of taking these kinds of actions.”

“We all have an opportunity now to do what god wants us to do and turn evil into good and use this terrible, tragic incident to make something better for our country.”

The post Trump and RFK Met to Discuss a Potential Role in His Administration, According to New Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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