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Eerie footage of FBI searching for evidence from Trump assassination attempt as mystery still surrounds shooter’s motive


EERIE new footage has shown investigators scouring the area Donald Trump was almost assassinated in for evidence days after the terrifying attempt on his life.

Footage obtained by The U.S. Sun shows agents canvassing the building on which gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, perched before opening fire on the former president at a rally on Saturday night.

Video obtained by the U.S. Sun shows FBI agents sweeping the grounds looking for evidence
Video obtained by the U.S. Sun shows FBI agents sweeping the grounds looking for evidence
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Trump sustained a wound to his right ear
Trump sustained a wound to his right ear
Thomas Matthew Crooks was identified as the shooter after he was slain by Secret Service
Thomas Matthew Crooks was identified as the shooter after he was slain by Secret Service

The attack took place shortly after 6 pm as Donald Trump addressed supporters at an open-air rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Footage captured on Monday shows FBI agents operating in a standard line search procedure as they attempt to gain insight into the shooter’s possible motives.

It is currently unknown why the shooter, Pennsylvania native Crooks, took aim at the former president, who felt the bullet rip through his skin and “pierce” his right ear.

It was later revealed that Crooks fired five shots into the crowd killing one and leaving two in critical condition.

Victim Corey Comperatore was killed almost immediately after Secret Service snipers returned fire.

According to police and Secret Service agents, Crooks, 20, had set up a sniper perch on top of a nearby manufacturing plant.

Agents reported that Crooks was dressed in grey camouflage and wielding an AR-style rifle.

The Secret Service is currently investigating how Crooks managed to get as close as he did.

“It is extremely surprising that the sniper managed to get anywhere near as close as he actually did,” former MI6 intelligence officer Matthew Dunn told The Sun.

“It beggars belief that this could have happened in what would have otherwise been, or should have been, a top security event.”

 “A basic rule of thumb for security experts like the Secret Service will be to ensure that nobody could get within sniper range of a VIP target.

“A sniper range can be up to even a mile away, so they would have that, or at least should have had that, firmly in mind,” he adds.

“Every single building, every window, every slight contour in the ground, anywhere that the sniper could conceal him or herself, they’d have ensured that, or should have ensured that wasn’t possible for an individual to get this close up onto the roof of a building that directly oversaw the stage area where Trump was giving his address.

Donald Trump Rally Shooting Timeline

Donald Trump was shot at his Pennsylvania rally on July 13.

1pm: Doors open at the Butler Farm Show grounds where Trump was expected to speak at 5pm.

4:11pm: Sean Parnell gave the opening speech.

4:35pm: David McCormick rallied the crowd.

5:30pm: Crowds were still waiting for Trump.

6:03pm: Trump takes the stage.

6:11pm: Gunshots were fired as Trump delivered remarks.

6:12pm: Trump was ushered off stage by Secret Service agents.

6:42pm: Secret Service confirmed Trump is safe.

7:24pm: The shooter and one rally attendee are confirmed dead by law enforcement officials.

8:42pm: Trump confirms he was shot in the ear, sharing a statement on Truth Social.

8:49pm: The Secret Service confirms the shooter and a rally attendee are dead. Two others remain critically injured.

“That is remarkable that that was allowed to happen.”

It was later revealed by authorities that several explosives including an IED were found inside his car near the rally.

Cops said they received many reports of suspicious packages around the parked car.

One person at the rally claimed that he saw Crooks get into position and tried to warn police.

Greg Smith told the BBC he saw a man had crawled on top of a building just outside the event and pointed him out to police.

He said, “We noticed the guy bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50ft away. He had a rifle, we could clearly see a rifle.

“We’re pointing at him, the police are down there running around on the ground, we’re like ‘Hey man, there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle’… and the police did not know what was going on.

“I’m thinking to myself, ‘ Why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage?’ The next thing you know, five shots ring out.”

Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe confirmed that a local police officer did attempt to confront Crooks on the rooftop but he returned down the latter when the rifle was pointed on him.

Slupe said, “All I know is the officer had both hands on the roof to get up on the roof, never made it because the shooter had turned towards the officer, and rightfully and smartly, the officer let go.”

Crooks was able to get off between six and eight shots at the president, reports said, with one hitting him in the ear.

A police sniper then shot Crooks dead just moments after the wannabe assassin hit Trump in the ear.

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Members of FBI seen searching for evidence around the area Thomas Crooks climbed onto a roof and fired a weapon towards a Trump[/caption]
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The team could be seen combing for evidence days after the terrifying attack[/caption]
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Caution tape blows in the wind around the area that saw the wannabe assassin strike[/caption]
It was later revealed that Crooks fired five shots into the crowd killing one and leaving two in critical condition
It was later revealed that Crooks fired five shots into the crowd killing one and leaving two in critical condition
NBC News
Agents are currently investigating how Crooks was able to get so close
Agents are currently investigating how Crooks was able to get so close
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is TM-15-07-TRUMP-ASSASSINATION_GRAPHIC-2.jpg
FBI agents can be seen operating in a standard line search procedure as they attempt to gain insight into the shooter's possible motives
FBI agents can be seen operating in a standard line search procedure as they attempt to gain insight into the shooter’s possible motives
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