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My baby hair aggravated the hell out of me until a 3-step routine made it grow – start with a ‘scritch and preen’


A CURLY-HAIRED woman has revealed the three simple steps she followed to make her baby hair grow.

She confessed her locks “aggravated the hell” out of her until she began to see progress with her haircare routine.

A woman revealed on Reddit how she made her stubborn baby hair grow (stock image)[/caption]

She shared her hair growth tips on Reddit’s NoPoo forum, which has over 426,000 members.

According to health blog The Crunchy Moose, “no-poo” refers to washing your hair without using shampoo. 

Similarly, using shampoos that are free from sulfates, parabens, or silicones is called “low poo.”


The Redditor said she’s been maintaining her “curly 3a” tresses using “no-poo” after previously trying the Curly Girl Method. 

“My left side had baby hairs that aggravated the hell out of me til they finally started growing out,” she said, writing under the handle Namesofpens.

“It’s been 2 years but I’m seeing progress.”

She shared the importance of massaging her scalp and using natural oils to stimulate growth. 

“Scritching and preening really help to aid circulation and help the hair follicles stay healthy,” she said.

“Once a week I do an overnight oil soak with amla oil for the body of my hair and a homemade scalp oil mix.”

She revealed the mix contained castor, almond, and avocado oils with a “touch” of lemon, ylang-ylang, peppermint, and rosemary essential oils.

“All are known to increase circulation and help scalp and hair health,” she said. 

“You could also tea tree if the scalp is dry and flaking or add a touch of honey if it needs the humectants. 

“Throw something on in the background and give your scalp a good thorough massage.”

She revealed the final step in her haircare routine focuses on preventing shedding.

“Fermented rice water rinses or leave-in sprays helped me greatly with hair fall and loss,” she said.

“Try not to tie [hair] up or tie it tightly. 

“I purchased a silk bonnet to sleep in and just lightly stuff my hair in it.”

Many people upvoted the post to show that they were grateful for the haircare advice.

Hair growth oils, sprays, and supplements

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According to Healthline, no poo can improve hair health and texture while potentially exposing locks to less “irritating” chemicals.

The method may be most beneficial for people with “curly or very coarse hair” as the scalp’s natural oils can nurture locks.

Many people who embrace no poo swap shampoo for apple cider vinegar, or baking soda, or only use conditioner to clean their hair.

Experts advise anyone with fine or thin hair to try stretching the time between washes rather than completely skipping shampoo as tresses quickly become oily.

The Redditor said routinely massaging her scalp has improved circulation and hair health (stock image)[/caption]

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