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The Democratic National Committee says it’s investing $15 million in 7 swing state parties

The Democratic National Committee says it’s investing $15 million in 7 swing state parties

The Democratic National Committee announced Tuesday it's transferring $15 million to state parties, meant to help them open more field offices and bolster staffing numbers.

By WILL WEISSERT Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats are trying to offer political counterprograming to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, announcing $15 million to fund campaign operations in seven key swing states — even as some in the party have urged President Joe Biden to bow out of November’s election.

The Democratic National Committee announced Tuesday that it is investing $15 million in state parties, meant to help them open more field offices and bolster staffing. The funding will let them add to the 217 existing coordinated campaign offices working jointly for Biden’s reelection bid and state parties that already employ 1,100-plus staffers in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the DNC said.

The investments will pump nearly $3 million into Wisconsin; nearly $2 million each into Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada; almost $1.5 million in Arizona; more than $1.2 million in North Carolina; and more than $1 million in Georgia.

The outlay was planned prior to former President Donald Trump being injured in an attempted assassination during his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, which prompted Biden and his campaign to temporarily shift its reelection strategy. Trump nonetheless is attending his party’s convention and will accept his party’s nomination on Thursday.

Trump’s campaign has spent recent weeks opening field offices, including those targeting key constituencies, in conjunction with the Republican National Committee.

“We have paid staffers and volunteer-powered field programs in every battleground state, and they are expanding daily,” Trump campaign spokesman Karoline Leavitt said. “Our aggressive and experienced operation is focused on turning out votes and highlighting the contrast” between Trump and Biden.

The DNC for months has argued that its and the Biden campaign’s growing on-the-ground operation could help swing an election expected to be close. Still, top Democrats are trying to move past questions from within their own party that have persisted about whether Biden is up to continuing to seek reelection in the weeks since his debate debacle and despite the race’s shifting dynamics after Trump was injured last weekend.

Biden and his team have furiously attempted to reassure jittery lawmakers and donors, as well as skeptical voters, that, at age 81, the Democratic president can still win in November and handle a second four-year term. Nearly 20 Democratic lawmakers have nonetheless publicly called on Biden to step aside.

The DNC said the investments will fund new field offices and help state parties get more accurate data and better coordinate party efforts for down-ballot races.

“Democrats are leaving nothing to chance and investing heavily on the ground to ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win this election,“ Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison said in a statement. “This election was always going to be close, and regardless of beltway media narratives, the entire election is going to come down to operation and turnout in the battleground states.”

Arizona Democratic Party chair Yolanda Bejarano said state officials and the Biden campaign opened a 15th coordinated campaign office in Arizona over the weekend, adding that, “This election is going to be won at the doors, talking to people about the issues that they care about.”

“This is perfect timing from my vantage point,” Bejarano said of the DNC investment. “We need the resources to do the work, to hire organizers, to have town halls across the state, to get the message out through media buys.”

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