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Cops issue CCTV of ‘gunman’ on motorbike as parents fear girl, 9, will ‘never move’ again after drive-by shooting horror


COPS have released CCTV footage of a suspected ‘gunman’ after a nine-year-old girl was shot in east London.

The schoolgirl was left fighting for her life after a motorcyclist fired “a number of shots” outside a Turkish restaurant in Kingsland High Street, Dalston, on May 29.

The Met are investigating ‘a critical line of inquiry’
Three men, aged 37, 42 and 44, were also shot, but have since been discharged from hospital[/caption]

Her heartbroken parents have said their daughter may never “speak or move properly” again.

She remains in a critical but stable condition 49 days after the horror drive-by shooting.

The devastated family released a statement via the Met Police, which read: “We are devastated about what has happened. Our daughter remains stable but in a critical condition.

“She only went there for ice cream and now we do not know if we will ever get our daughter back to being the smart, funny girl that she was before and whether she will be able to ever speak or move properly again.”

They added: “We need our child back and we are all praying for her full recovery.”

Three men, aged 37, 42 and 44, were also shot, but have since been discharged from hospital.

Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway, lead for policing in the London Borough of Hackney, said: “I am making a renewed appeal for information relating to the shooting in Hackney, on Wednesday 29 May, which left three men injured and a nine-year-old girl in a critical condition.

“Our investigation team has been working tirelessly to piece together what happened and to identify the dangerous individuals responsible for this shocking and indiscriminate act of violence.

“They are now in a position to release images of a suspect on a motorcycle that they are working to trace. We believe the motorcycle has been in the Peckham and Crystal Palace areas.”

Mr Conway added: “Anyone who saw this motorcycle or who can help us identify the rider is urged to contact us immediately.

“Whoever this person is, they are dangerous and must be removed from our streets.”

Mr Conway said the Met are investigating “a critical line of inquiry”, involving a potential link to organised criminal networks originating in Turkey.

“The nine-year-old girl who was injured was simply out having dinner with her family. She remains in hospital in a critical but stable condition,” he said.

“You might be a friend, partner or a family member of someone that you suspect may be involved.

“I urge you to search your heart to understand if your loyalty to friends or associates extends to covering up for an innocent child being shot.”

Mr Conway said the Met are investigating ‘a critical line of inquiry’[/caption]
The schoolgirl remains in a critical but stable condition 49 days after the horror drive-by shooting[/caption]

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Рекой подать. Туристы рассказали, куда едут в круизы из Москвы

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