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I get my kids’ teachers the best gift each year & it only costs me £10, there’s no excuse for tat, says Cara De La Hoyde


IT’S become customary to buy your child’s teacher and end of year gift.

For just £10, you can become class favourite with a gift that they’ll appreciate.

Cara De La Hoyde revealed the end of year gift she always gets for her kid’s teachers[/caption]
The mum-of-two explained that she chips in for a shopping voucher with the other classroom parents

Speaking on her podcast The School Runway, Cara De La Hoyde revealed the budget-friendly buy she opts for at the end of every school year.

The former Love Islander and her co-host Bronagh Meere discussed the best options for end of term gifts.

Cara credited the parent of one her child’s classmates with the clever idea.

“We’re so lucky one of the mums at school, Rachel, she’s amazing,” the mum-of-two said.

“She’s the organized mum in the class who is always on it, if you need anything you go to her.”

She explained that Rachel suggested the group of parents from the classroom get together to buy a gift for the teacher each year.

Instead of the stereotypical mugs and ornaments saying, “Best Teacher Ever,” they opted for a more practical purchase.

“She set up a thing at Bluewater [Shopping Centre], we do it every year for our teachers,” Cara told her listeners.

“Everyone puts in a tenner, because obviously you’ve got a teacher and classroom assistant, and then she does the gift vouchers.”

She pointed out that though each person’s contribution is small, they aren’t long adding up.

“The teachers end up with about £150 each in Bluewater gift vouchers,” Cara said.

She described the set up as “perfect” and “so much better” than every parent doing their own thing.

While the group gift voucher is convenient for the parents, it is also held in a high regard by the teachers and classroom assistants.

“They appreciate it more, they don’t want tat,” she explained.

She pointed out that school workers deserve a useful and considerate gift for the work they do throughout the school year.

Should you buy a teacher a gift?

IF you are wondering whether or not to buy your child's teacher an end-of-year gift, look no further...

As the summer holidays fast approach, Fabulous Senior Digital Writer and mum-of-two Sarah Bull weighs in on whether you should feel obliged to buy your kids’ teachers a present to mark the end of term.

Sarah said: “It can be pricey trying to keep the kids entertained during six weeks off school.

“But before the end of term, parents all over the country are also trying to budget for gifts for their kids’ teachers too.

“With teachers, teaching assistants, SEN specialists and other beloved staff members to buy for, it can be an expensive business.

“And while lots of schools actively discourage parents from spending their money on end-of-term presents for teachers, I consider it an obligation.

“After all – I know how tough my kids can be at home, and their teachers have to keep them in check for the majority of the day – so don’t they deserve a token of appreciation?

“I also wouldn’t want my children to feel left out when their friends arrive at school armed with pressies for their teachers.

“While some parents go all out with gifts, with alcohol and flowers popular choices, I’ll be doing my best to stay at the £5 mark for each of the four staff members I’ll be buying for.

“And with some fab options in stores like Poundland, Home Bargains and B&M, it should be easy for me to stick to my budget.”

“Don’t give them tat, they look after your kids all year, give them something decent, they don’t want tat,” Cara said.

She added that the group gift can work for mutliple options, not just shopping vouchers.

School teachers have previously shared some of their least favourite gifts to receive from students.

One worker took to her TikTok page to reveal her no-go end of year items.

She listed cups, homemade artwork, school shirts among her least favorites.

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