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Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem Youth Chorus Wow Judges on ‘America’s Got Talent’

Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem Youth Chorus Wow Judges on ‘America’s Got Talent’

A youth choir from Jerusalem comprised of Israelis and Palestinians advanced through the audition round of the television show “America’s...

The post Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem Youth Chorus Wow Judges on ‘America’s Got Talent’ first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

The Jerusalem Youth Chorus performing on “America’s Got Talent.” Photo: Screenshot

A youth choir from Jerusalem comprised of Israelis and Palestinians advanced through the audition round of the television show “America’s Got Talent” on Tuesday night after impressing all four judges with their rendition of the Phillip Phillips song “Home.”

Their performance also got a standing ovation from the judges and the audience.

A member of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus told the judges that they “believe through music and through working together and talking to each other, we are taking a step forward into building that amazing future where there is justice, and there is freedom, and there is equality and there is inclusion.” The group added that if they win the $1 million prize, given to the winner of “America’s Got Talent,” they will “create more spaces, just like this chorus, so people can meet people that are different from them so we can create this change.”

Judge Heidi Klum told the Jerusalem Youth Chorus their performance gave her “goosebumps.” She praised the group for harmonizing so well together, and described their act as “beautiful” and “incredible.” Howie Mandel said the Phillip Phillips song “Home” is a “world anthem.”

“We all live on this planet together, so thank you so much for appearing on that stage,” he added.

Sofia Vergara described the performance as “spectacular, heartwarming” and “inspiring.”

Simon Cowell told the Jerusalem Youth Chorus: “I love this audition. You made something very complicated beautiful through friendship.”

The mission of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus “is to provide a space for these young people from East and West Jerusalem to grow together in song and dialogue,” according to its website. “Through the co-creation of music and the sharing of stories, we empower youth in Jerusalem with the responsibility to speak and sing their truths, as they become leaders in their communities and inspire singers and listeners around the world to work for peace, justice, inclusion, and equality.”

Watch their audition on “America’s Got Talent” below.

The post Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem Youth Chorus Wow Judges on ‘America’s Got Talent’ first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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